
英语完成这些指标 Complete these

04月05日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[求完成这篇图表英语作文谢谢!]The graph on the left represents the number of sleeping hours a middle school's students get. The graph on the right shows the correlation between the number of...+阅读

英语完成这些指标 Complete these reponses

A:Many people are wearing coats.

B:The weather must be_________getting cold____________.

A:Sally has been coughing a lot.

B:She might be___________catching / having a cold_________________.

A:This restaurant is always very crowded.

B:The food_____________is delicious________________________.

A:Whenever I try to read this book,I feel sleepy.

B:It can't_______________be helped_____________________.


呃,什么叫级别高一点的。不带这么歧视懒人啊。级别不高有时候是因为懒啊参加比较晚啊。 完成目标很多种说法啊 accomplish (achieve/ realize/ attain/ complete/ reach) one's goal (objective / target/ aspiration/ mission/ task) 端看上下文啦。如果是商业目标、学习目标,那么用goal(s) 或objective(s) 或 target都行 如果是小的行动目标,大目标下面的分项,那么用mission 或task(s) 都行, mission 用单数,task可以单复数 aspiration 就有点像hope, 有点激情而且酝酿很久的目标了 至于动词,选择更多了,上面随便一个都行,当然,accomplish 和attain 的级别比较高,尤其后者多出现在书面语里 例句 My goal for 2011 is to land an administrator position in a Top-100 companies. My professional expertise and extensive experience in the past decade assure that I will attain this goal. 我2011年的目标就是在一100强公司找到一份管理工作。




根据英语习惯,业绩指标称为Key Performance Indicator(KPI)。

业绩达标可以说Achieve (the) KPI,其中achieve也可以换成meet或者其他近义词,但achieve和meet是最常用的。

另外,如果要口语化一点,也可以说achieve the targets、meet the requirements、reach the goals等等。


例如:我完成了我的销售指标 = I have achieved/met my sales targets.


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