

04月08日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[关于幸福的英语名言]In carrying out their duties, be happy. Loaded things as a person, my heart can be very fortable. If it were not, exactly what responsibilities the same as driv...+阅读


检举|2012-12-06 12:40In fact,happiness lies everwhere,but not all the people know how to find it,as to me,I have my own secret.

Firstly,happiness means running through every day with relaxed attitude.Never be much too serious on everthing,just face it with a pleasant state of mind.Secondly,happiness means seeing other people happy.When you are with your friends,you can tell some jokes to them to let them cheer up,meanwhile,you feel happy as well.Thirdly,happiness lies in giving help to others.When someone is in difficult situation,you show your help without any reward,however,you get the happiness and your heart of gold is growing up.

Of course,the secret of happiness is not only these,and there are much waiting for your searching.


首先,幸福 意味着以轻松的态度度过每一天。不要遇事太过较真,而是从容豁达。其次,幸福意味着看到别人的快乐。当与朋友们在一起时,你可以讲几个小笑话来让大家开心,同时,你自己也会开心。最后,幸福在于给人以帮助。但他人遇到困难时,你不求回报的帮助他,会使自己开心,因为你的善良之心正在滋长。




Once mentioning happiness, Many people tend to associate it with materialism which refer to money, property, great career and luxuary lifestyle. But it is not the whole picture since in reality we find many people who are poor but still can fully enjoy their life.

To me, many valuable things in life are far more important than material, such as friendship, parents, children, my partner etc. ............................................




幸福是什么?怎样才算是幸福?其实幸福没有绝对的答案,关键在于你的生活态度。善于抓住幸福的人才懂得什么是幸福。一直以为感受幸福是件很困难的事,那是一种灯火阑珊处的境界。经过岁月的流年以后,才明白,幸福其实很简单,只要心灵有所满足、有所慰藉就是幸福。 其实幸福不在远方,也不在梦里,就在我身边,在我每一天的努力里,每一分钟的爱里,每一秒钟的期待里。幸福有时像空气,无处不在,只是习惯了它的存在而不自知。正如你现在一家和睦地坐在一起愉快地吃着晚饭就是幸福;在意想不到的时候看到自己喜欢的人是幸福;工作顺心,家人身体健康,这也是幸福……,其实有时候你正在感受着幸福,只是你不知道而已。 幸福其实像陈年的老酒,是需要人来慢慢品味的。当你关掉电视、电脑、手机,一个人静静地坐在阳台上看着窗外,回想着这些年所走过的往昔,涌上心头的一幕幕,虽说有欢喜让你尝尽了喜悦的滋味、有悲伤让你至今心痛,有“新松恨不高千尺”的惋惜,有“对此不抛眼泪也无由”的哀叹……但是无论如何,曾经走过不需言悔就已足矣,这就是淡淡的幸福~~~~


What is happiness? There are different opinions about that.

Some people think it is happiest to be with families and to communicate with friends.Some think that you will be happy if you are optimistic to the life and (if you are) devoted to your career.Others think that happies means you always make new achievements. In my opinion,It is happiest to live safely in one's life.


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