
求 the lives of a cell的英文版 lewis

04月08日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[智者一切求自己,愚者一切求他人]不要等待机会,而要创造机会。 昨晚多几分钟的准备,今天少几小时的麻烦。 你可以选择这样的三心二意:信心、恒心、决心;创意、乐意。 智者一切求自己,愚者一切求他人。 最有效的资...+阅读

求 the lives of a cell的英文版 lewis thomas写的中文叫细胞生命

The Lives of a Cell: Notes of a Biology Watcher is a 1974 collection of 29 essays written by Lewis Thomas for the New England Journal of Medicine during the preceding three years. The pieces are loosely based around the premise that the Earth is perhaps best understood as a cell. The final paragraph of the titular essay reads as follows:

“ Item. I have been trying to think of the earth as a kind of organism, but it is no go. I cannot think of it this way. It is too big, too complex, with too many working parts lacking visible connections. The other night, driving through a hilly, wooded part of southern New England, I wondered about this. If not like an organism, what is it like, what is it most like? Then, satisfactorily for that moment, it came to me: it is most like a single cell.[1] ”

From this, Thomas touches on subjects as various as biology, anthropology, medicine, music (showing a particular affinity for Bach), etymology, mass communication, and computers. Within lively and lucid prose, he reveals a certain prescience. In the essay titled "Your Very Good Health," Thomas says:

“ Just recently, to correct some of the various flaws, inequities, logistic defects, and near-bankruptcies in today's health-care delivery system, the government has officially invented new institutions called Health Maintenance Organizations, already known familiarly as HMOs, spreading out across the country like post offices, ready to distribute in neat packages, as though from a huge, newly stocked inventory, health.[1] ”

[edit] Awards


生命的礼赞 别用悲伤的语调对我低吟, “人生不过是幻梦一场”! 因为沉睡中的灵魂已经死去, 万物并非它们显示的模样。 生命是真实的!生活是严肃的! 他们的终点决不是坟场; “你来自尘土,必归于尘土”, 但这是指肉体,灵魂并未死亡。 我们注定的结局和道路, 既不是享乐、也不是悲伤; 而是行动,为了每一个明天, 使我们比今天走的更远更长。 艺术长久、韶光飞逝, 我们的心尽管英勇而坚强, 却仍象阵阵低沉的鼓声, 正朝着坟墓把哀乐敲响。 在世界辽阔的沙场上, 在生命露宿的营地上; 别作默默无声,任人驱使的牛羊, 要在战斗中当一名闯将! 莫信托未来,不管它怎样欢畅。 让逝去的岁月将死者埋葬, 行动吧、就在活着的时刻行动, 胸中有红心、头顶有上苍。

伟人们的生平时刻把我们提醒, 我们能使我们的一生变得高尚, 即使在离开人间时,也能让足印 留在我们身后时间的沙滩上。 呵,足印!也许另一位兄弟, 当他航行在生命庄严的海洋上, 不幸遇难,看见了这些足印, 他就会使勇气重新增长。 那么、就让我们振奋起来行动吧, 我们准备迎接任何命运的风浪; 永远要有所作为,不断追求, 学会劳动,也学会等待和期望。

day of your beliefs的中文翻译

Day Of Your Beliefs 拥有信仰的日子 I can hear your yearnings 我可以听见你的渴望 your anguished cries 你痛哭的声音 let the nourishment pass you by 请鄙视富足吧/(原文意思是:让营养忽略你吧) as it leaves you withoutwithout a trace 它的离去没有痕迹 it leaves you without the scars 它离开了,却没有留下伤疤 it's a day of the ruins 那是毁灭的日子 the time of your relief 那是你解脱的日子 it's a day of the judgements 那是审判之日 the day of your beliefs 你拥有真正信仰的日子 bitter is the end 痛苦完结了 the end of your cry 哭泣停止了 let your nourishment pass you by 请鄙视富足吧 it'll leave you without 它将离开你 without your faith ,你却没有失败 it'll leave you without your grace 它的离去,将带不走你的幽雅 it's a day of the ruins 毁灭之日的来临 the time of your relief 你的解脱之日 it's a day of the judgements 审判日的来临 the day of your beliefs 将是你拥有真正信仰之日!

My New Year s resolutions的英语作文怎样写

My new year's resolutions

I have many resolutions in this year. First I am going to study harder in school this year. I want to beat Tom. Next I am going to play sports everyday. Then , I am going to be writer. Next I am going to communicate better whit my classmates. I am going to eat more vegetable. Finally I am going to learn a new language. English sounds like a lauguage what I conld enjoy.

My new year's resolutions

New year is coming. I am going to do lots of things next year. First I am going to get a good grades. So I am going to study hard. Then I want to eat more healthy food. So I am going to eat some vegetables and some fruits. Next I am going to learn english everyday. Then I am going to communicate better with my parents. Finally I am going to do some reading and going to exercise more to keep fit .

My new year's resolutions

I have many great new year's resolutions. First I am going to work harder and get good grades. I think they are the first important in my new year's resolutions. Then I am going to play more sports and eat more healthy food. They are important , too. Next I am going to make many new frtinds. I think friendship is great and important for me. Finally I am going to study others. If I can finish them. I will better than last year



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