

04月08日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[表达心情的语句]表达心情的语句 1、好心态才有好状态。 2、流年把一切都毁坏了!谁能相信今天在这里低徊追怀往事的我,也正是当年幸福者之一呢!哦!流年,残刻的流年呵!它带走了人间的爱娇,它蹂躏英雄...+阅读


我赞美生命。 有人说:生命是短暂的,如昙花一现。但可贵的是那一现时的灿烂、辉煌。 有人说:生命是脆弱的,疾病、磨难……都在吞噬着生命的坚韧。但它却在痛苦中挣扎,在挣扎中寻找希望。它从未畏惧过浩瀚宇宙,更未畏惧过死亡。即使死亡真的来临,它也会坦然面对。 生命,坚定的信念、不屈的精神。 生命是一本厚厚的书,只有封面和封底由别人设计,而内容需要自己去书写,若没有奋斗的汗水,那么这将是一本乏味的书。 生命是一条河,有时浑浊、有时清澈。只有那弯弯曲曲的河道是人生可歌可泣的曲折。 诚然生命有挫折,也有泪水。但正因为这些砺炼,我们才从幼稚走向成熟,走向成功。 面对生活,审视生命,我时常想起球王贝利在接受采访时,有人问他哪一个球踢得最好,他回答:“下一个”。

我惊叹于生命的自信。 生命的价值,在于奉献。 栽一棵树,把果实留给后人。 生命,一首永远值得赞颂的歌。...

八年级上英语第一单元4人对话表演主要是关于How often do you

How often do you play computer games?

I play computer games once a week.

How often do you watch movies?

I watch movies four times a month.

How often do you go for a drive?

I go for a drive three times a year.

How often do you visit your grandparents?

I visit my grandparents once three weeks.

How often do you go shopping?

I go shopping two times a week.

Sea biscuit英文简评

Seabiscuit (2003) A wonderful story of the underdog who rises above adversity to become a champion. A very good wholesome movie for the entire family. Good period settings and costumes and interesting plot of a broken down horse who brought three broken down people together who all ended up happy. A simple, believable concept. Good scenery throughout also. I have read a lot of negative comments about this movie by those who called it boring and tiresome but that simply isn't true. Does a movie have to have profanity and lots of CGI imagery in it to be considered good ? I don't think so. Acting was very good but I thought the most believable scene was when Red's parents gave up their son because they couldn't afford to keep him anymore. That scene was very sad and based on fact where parents were placed in the terrible position to give up their children like that during the depression. What struck me funny is that Red Pollard never reunited with his family after he became one of the most famous jockeys in the country but I guess thats the way it was back in those days. Wonderful cast and exciting horse racing scenes that brought the viewer into the race and projected the energy and danger involved. It is interesting to note that horse racing was a bigger sport in its heyday than football or baseball. Bill Macy was also memorable as the funny and witty radio announcer A good movie for the entire family.


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