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[求翻译一篇有关绿色营销的论文摘要翻译成英文]Green marketing is a able to identify, meet consumer expectations and social needs, and can be profitable and sustainable business management process. Green mar...+阅读


Abstract: Human resources are strategic resources for the modern enterprise ①, enterprise development is the most critical factor, and incentives are an important part of human resources, it is a psychological term referring to stimulate the mental processes of human behavior. In essence, is to promote the object of some kind of managed organization to achieve goals beneficial to the specific motives and in accordance with the way organizations need to make organizations more quickly and better goals. In today's world, into almost all the managers are seeking to work and the best way to achieve the best efficiency. The manager, by definition, is work with people and play a guiding role. To do this, how to mobilize staff and workers, to enable them to organizational goals and services, has become an urgent need to address each and every manager one of the issues. According to studies by psychologists, human motivation is associated with the need, is motivated by the people themselves to promote the. As for the motive, it is a way to provide spiritual strength, vitality and power, and the ability to guide behavior to achieve the objective state of mind. It is precisely because this state of human behavior can play a stimulating, promoting and strengthening the role. This also can be good or bad use of incentive mechanisms to some extent determine the success of enterprise is a very important factor.Keywords: incentive mechanism an important factor in determining human resource management role


论文易-致力于为用户提供最好的学术平台Abstract是对论文最精髓的提炼。其重要性体现在:将论文发给审稿人后,审稿人一般会用最短的时间阅读abstract,判断论文内容是否为其所熟悉的领域,决定是否接受审稿。故abstract和 Coverletter一样是论文的门面,会给审稿人留下极为重要的第一印象。如果“第一口苹果的味道不好”,审稿人会拒绝评审您的论文。这样会使得杂志需要再次筛选合适的审稿人而延长审稿时间。更为严重的是,有的审稿人甚至会直接寻找理由建议主编退稿。此外,abstract 也是电子期刊数据库免费提供的部分,能读到abstract的读者远比能读到全文的读者多得多,读者会根据abstract来判断是否需要阅读全文,因此abstract的清楚表达十分重要。杂志对摘要的形式要求大致可以分为:报道性摘要(informativeabstract)、指示性摘要(indicative abstract)和报道指示性摘要(informative-indicative abstract)三种。摘要一定要简明扼要(多数杂志会在投稿指南中标明要求的规定数字),按照规定的顺序说明主要的研究目的(objective)、研究背景(background)、研究过程(methods andmaterials)、结果 (results)以及结论(conclusion),这种说明必须让审稿专家及读者能够看懂并把握整个实验的主要过程及结果。撰写摘要常采用的句型:

(1)以to eluicdatie the mechanism..…,to investigate..…, 或者 for the purpose of ..,讲述研究目的。注意写出最适合表达目的的动词。

(2)… was/were carried out..写研究的内容及方法,注意一般是过去时态。

(3) The results showed that ,讲述研究得出的主要结果。不一定要面面俱到地列出具体数据,可根据杂志习惯把握详细程度。

(4) The result of the present work implied that.,讲述您得出的结论。这种表达方法会让读者感到作者对科学研究具有严谨的态度,使其对结果的可信度增高。注意要避免空泛、夸大结论等常见问题。另外,在写abstract时应尽可能避免用到参考文献,如果一定要用,那么一定要将全部细节写出来。要始终记住一点,abstract是一个独立的部分;换句话说,别人不看您的论文,只看您的abstract就能了解您的研究工作。经验是:在写论文正文时,先写一篇abstract的草稿,使这个草稿发挥正文提纲的作用,写完正文;正文定稿以后,回过头再检查abstract能否堪任论文最精华缩影的作用,如果不能则再做修改。始终记住好的abstract和好的论文一样是改出来的,不是写出来的。写作中需要谨慎、正确地使用时态,因为科学领域的职业道德规范决定了在撰写论文是应正确使用时态。论文发表后,其内容就成为科技领域中的已有知识;后人在提及发表的科研成果,都应该表示出应有的尊敬:而表示尊敬的方法就是使用现在时态。相反,如果已发表的研究成果后来被证实是错误的,那么在论文中提及该研究结果时使用过去式更为合适。




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