

04月13日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[有什么关于万圣节的英文故事吗]万圣节英语小故事 One story about Jack, an Irishman, who was not allowed into Heaven because he was stingy with his money. So he was sent to hell. But down there...+阅读


This yearly festival was adopted by the Roman invaders, who helped to propagate (传播, 宣传)it throughout the rest of the world (and at that time, the Roman Empire was the world). The word "Halloween" itself actually comes from a contraction of All Hallows Eve, or All Saint's Day (November 1), which is a Catholic day of observance in honor of saints.

This tradition was later brought to the North American continent by Irish immigrants who were escaping the Potato Famine in their homeland. In addition to the festival itself, the immigrants brought several customs with them, including one of the symbols most commonly associated with Halloween -- the Jack 'O Lantern.

According to Irish folklore, there once lived a man named Jack who was known for being a drunk and a prankster(顽皮的人, 爱开玩笑的人). One night Jack tricked the devil into climbing a tree, and quickly carved an image of a cross on the trunk, trapping the devil. Jack then made him promise that, in exchange for letting him out of the tree, the Devil would never tempt him to sin again. He reluctantly agreed, but was able to exact his revenge upon Jack's death. Because of his mischievous ways in life, Jack was barred from entering heaven and because of his earlier trick, he was also barred from hell. So he was doomed to wander the earth until the end of time, with only a single ember(灰烬, 余烬) (carried in a hollowed out turnip.[植]芜箐, 芜箐甘蓝) to warm him and light his way.

In Ireland, they originally also used turnips for their "Jack Lanterns", but upon arriving in the new world, they discovered that pumpkins were abundant and easier to carve out.


All Saints'Day (Nov 1st)




也称All Hallow's Eve 或者All Saints' Eve(万圣节之夜)




万圣节快乐:Happy Halloween!

2. Originated from Celtic harvest festivals, it is dedicated to remembering the dead, including saints (hallows), martyrs, and all the faithful departed.




1)trick or treat ,万圣节小孩最喜欢的恶作剧游戏。


2) costume parties:


3) jack-o'-lanterns


4)prank: 恶作剧

5)haunted attractions: 鬼屋 探险







(亦作 Hallowe'en)


the night of 31 October, the eve of All Saints' Day. Halloween is of pre-Christian origin, being associated with the Celtic festival Samhain, when ghosts and spirits were thought to be abroad. Adopted as a Christian festival, it gradually became a secular rather than a Christian observance, involving dressing up and the wearing of masks



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