

04月13日 编辑 fanwen51.com



你是要翻译这句话还是关于希望工程的解释?翻译What is the hope project?希望工程的解释the Project Hope: the Hope Project (a project launched in China to help the poor children to go to school)关于希望工程的资料The "Project Hope" Education plays a very important role in the development of China. As is known to all, China has the largest population in the world and most of them live in the countryside. Since the economic conditions there are rather poor, many families,especially in the remote areas, cannot afford to send their children to school, many children have to drop from school. The "Project Hope" is aimed at solving this problem so that every child of school age can receive regular education. The "Project Hope" mainly depends on the contributions of the urban people and overseas Chinese who care about the development of China's education. The contributed money will be distributed by "Project Hope" council to the countryside to help the children who cannot afford the education. One hundred yuan will help such a child finish his primary education. "Project Hope" is a good way to promote the education in the rural areas, but it is far from being sufficient. By now,only a small portion of the children benefit from it. Therefore,I suggest that government at all levels and people of all walks of life pay more attention to the problem and do much more to help raise the educational level of the country.


project Hope

In class, our teacher told us something about Project Hope. She said some children in the country couldn't go to school because their parents were too poor to send their children to school. She called on us to help out.

After school I returned home. I wasgreatly moved by this. What should I do for Project Hope? I was wondering about this when I saw the money collection box on the table. Then I decided to send my pocket money, which I had saved for nearly one year, to the children who wanted to go to school. I wrote a letter to them and hurried to the post office. Together with the letter, Iposted the money and sent my best wishes to them.


上课时老师对我们讲了关于希望工程的事情。她说一些农村的孩子由于他们的父母太贫穷了,不能送他们上学。老师号召我们帮助这些贫困孩子。51-51免 费论文网-网-欢迎您



希望工程 Hope ProjectHope Project is a Chinese public service project organized by official organization. It aims to help children go back to school, build Hope Primary School and improve rural conditions in poor regions. In many poor areas in China, there are many school age children can't go to school because their families do not have enough money. As a result, they have to stay at home and help their families do the farm work. We often say that knowledge changes fate. Therefore, only study can help them go to the outside world and change their lives, even change the poor condition of their hometown. Through the Hope Project, much money and books and other materials can be collected to improve the poor conditions. That makes children can share more resources to get knowledge. Besides, many people in city have a chance and channel to show their kindness. The most important and meaningful is that they can help those children who are desperate in need.


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