

04月14日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[世上最浪费时间的三件事]经典人生感悟:世上最浪费时间的三件事 我问你,世界上最浪费时间的是什么事?人人网?偷菜?魔兽世界?不是,尽管它们排名也很靠前。世界上最浪费时间的是三个单词,WORRY, BLAME, JUDGEME...+阅读


College students in China may choose jobs by themselves. So everyone can make his own choice of his career before graduating.

Job hunting by students has had a big impact on campus. Students have become more practical and eager to develop their manifold abilities to meet the challenges in their future jobs. Since state-allocated jobs are no longer guaranteed, stone students are willing to work in private companies because of higher pay and other benefits, whereas jobs of high academic


After a long-term tired studying.We all want one thing---relaxing and entertainning ourselves.I would want to go climbbing and study something useful but also enjoyful,such as study how to drive.A lot physics knowledges are required to study driving a car.And climbbling hills would be a paradise for ourselves.


what i want to do most after the final exams is to go to the newly-opened harry potter theme park in the usa. i've liked harry potter for many years, ever since i was in elementary school. and now, after the book and the movies, the theme park has finally opened! i would really like to see the magical things turned into reality.


I am a freshman at my university, and it is really my first time to cope with so many learning tasks. Luckily, I have already got lots of help from my professor and classmates, so I can do well in the almost every course that I have learned.

And I would like to briefly introduce my ideas toward learning. English Learning, for instance, was still a tough case for me last year, however, I am not afraid of it now. Because I believe I find three useful ways to learning it well.

To begin with, practice makes perfect. In the past, I merely tried to speak English. Nonetheless, I speak English every morning, try to read lectures loudly and talk to foreigners in English. Hence, I found my oral English turned to be tetter now.

Moreover, I love to take part in the Internet English Learning Room. Big Ear English Learning, for example, is my favourite. Because I acquired a great deal of English skill from that teaching software.

Finally, have a right attitude towards every task is of great significance. With this attitude, I will have a desire for learning and consequently obtain a terrific outcome.


做自己想做的人励志人生:做自己想做的人 我们常常以为,自己天生就该知道自己能做个什么样的人。不是吗?小时候幼儿园老师就会有意无意地引导我们说“你将来长大了想做什么”。不管是出于攀比...

从后进生成为交大学子的三件法宝从后进生成为交大学子的三件法宝 上海交通大学 王万峰 首先真挚地感谢老师对我的帮助!高一时,我的期末成绩在年级几近下游,是老师的关心和帮助让我重新获得了新生!我喜欢上了语...

十三件事不要去做十三件事不要去做 1、不要评价别人的好坏,因为他们并不影响你吃饭。 2、不要评价别人的德行,因为你不见得比他更高尚。 3、不要评价别人的家庭,因为那和你没有一点关系 4、不要...

中国人一生最喜爱的三件事中国人一生最喜爱的三件事 一是拿证书,二是陪孩子上补习班,三是买房子。由此成了中国人一生的头等大事。 想想人生短短几十年,各种文凭必须要有,从胎教到孩子出生,启蒙教育学前班...

上大学前要做的三件事上大学前要做的三件事 文/唐晓芸 表妹考取了北京的大学,9月份就要来报到。在南方老家的那座小城里,这绝对是个让人兴奋的消息,全家都为她高兴,她自己也激动得不行。 小妮子一天...

大学期间“不要”做的五件事大学期间“不要”做的五件事 l、不要轻言大学不好大学失败。 大学本身以及上了大学都并非你原来想象的那样,许多地方很可能会引起你的极大不满。但是你要记住,大学再好,你不...

人生有三件事不可俭省人生有三件事不可俭省 无论世界变得如何奢华,我还是喜欢俭省。这已经变得和金钱没有很密切的关系,只是一个习惯。我这样说,实在是因为俭省的机会其实很廉价,俯拾即是遍地滋生。...

看透人性的三件事儿事件一 一次我去一个朋友家做客。她家雇佣了一个保姆,有些年迈了,行动不很便利。 我坐在客厅里喝茶,她笑意盈盈忙前忙后,端庄秀美的身影穿梭厨房与客厅间。这是我第一次到她家里...

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