
英语role play剧本6人

04月15日 编辑 fanwen51.com


英语role play剧本6人

服务员:A 顾客:B/C/D

B:Would you like to have supper with me?

C:I'd like to,let's go!

D:Me too!

B:Great!let's go together!


A:Welcome!What would you like to eat?

B:Some bread and some milk,please.

C:en.a cup of tea.

A:Do you want to have some chicken?

D:Sure!I want to have some chicken and some beaf!

A:Anthing else?


A:Sure,please wait for a moment.


B:how much is it?


B:Here you are.

A:Have a good time ,bye!

B:Thank you!


Treasure Map place:a small island,10KM south of Hainan province. boy:Harris,tourist come from England,28 years old. girl:Cruz,spanish,englishspeaker,,also a tourist.26 years old. old man:no name,unknow age. Act 1 (a summer day,cloudy,3.pm. a small fishing boat has just arrived the island,a boy and a girl come out of it,then fishing boat leave.) Harris:oh,here we are.a small island in the sea.You know,Cruz,when I was a little boy,I used to dream about this moment,because it's make me feel that I am the king of the world. (Then he laugh) Cruz:come on ,forget your childish dream.Don't you see there are pieces of cloud in the sky? It's going to rain,Let's find some cover. Act 2 (They walk on the island,there are all rocks on the island,hardly to see animals, when they turn around a big stone,a cave appears,and a old man sitting under a tent besides the cave) Cruz:Harris,there is a cave,wait,a old man sitting there,who is he?what he doing there? Harris:I have no idea.Let's go and have a look. (they run toward the cave) Act 3 (Harris stands in frong of the cave,it's really dark inside,Harris shout to the cave,a few seconds later,echo comes,Cruz is looking at the old man,he is bald,his face is covered with wrinkles and has a long white beard) Cruz:Who are you? Do you have a name? oldman:I am too old to remerber my name. Cruz:Are you the guard of the island?Are you live here alone? oldman:I live here by myself for almost 70years,I am not the guard of the island,but I do guard something in this cave. (Harris hear the dialogue,turn to the oldman) Harris:What did you say?What you guard in this cave? (oldman take a parchment paper out and unfold) oldman:This is a treeasure map,came from my grandfather to my father then to me.Several decades ago,a group of pirates robbed merchant ships and hid the treasure in this cave,but then something weird happened,they died one by one,finally,they all died and just left this map.Now I am too old to get there,so I Have to wait for some warriors to find the treasure and take them out. Harris:So....you mean,the treasure that you guard are still in this cave now? oldman:Yes. I believe they still there. Cruz:oh my god!I can't believe it.It's perfrct,come on,Harris ,what you waiting for? (Harris take flashlight out of his packet and they go into the cave) Act 4 (Harris and Cruz are walking in the cave,the cave is about 5 meters height and 4 meters width,soil in the cave is soft and a little wet,many bats hang on in the top of the cave) Harris:Wait a minute,Cruz.I feel a little about the whole thing.the strang oldman,the treasure map and the so-called pirates' treasure.It seems that everything is setup just wait for us.I can't trust that old man ,so I am out. (Harris turn around and ready to go) Cruz:What's wrong with you? Harris?Look the map, it shows that the treasure are lying in the end of the cave,they just waiting for us,besides,think about the treasure,we can be the richest people in the world. (Harris still walks to outside) Cruz(shout):Be with your courage.Without that,you are not even a man!you coward! (Harris stop,his expression shows embarrassment,then he catch up with Cruz and they still keep moving) (The road becoming more and more narrow,half an hour later,they see a bridge in front of them,at the end of the bridge,a pile of treasure are shining.Both of them run toward there) Cruz(laughing):Look ,Harris,I told you,they are all ours,we are now the richest people in the world. (Harris is grabing the treasure into his packet,he looks excited) Harris:Yes,we did it.I am going to build a villa and find a girl get married,then live in peace. (suddenly,the land beging shaking) Cruz:What's going on? Harris:I don't know. (finally,a very big monster climbs out of the land and stands in front of them,it seems very angry) Cruz:oh,no.What's that?! Harris:I guess it must be the real guard of the treasure. Cruz:.........well, What we do? Harris:anyway,run,definitely run! (they leave the treasure and tun to outside) End


in this conversation, rocky simons is the owner of a small company that manufactures recreational speedboats.he is having a telephone conversation with jacques riviera, owner of a seaside resort in another country. rocky: good morning, jacques. nice talking to you again.how's the weather in your part of the world? jacques: couldn't be better, rocky.sunny, 29°, light breeze... rocky: stop! i can't take any more.so, what can i do for you, jacques? jacques: i need a couple of your sb2000 speedboats to rent to guests. can you give me a price quote? rocky: let's see... uh, the list price is $6,500 u.s. you're a valued customer, so i'll give you a 10% discount. jacques: that's very reasonable. do you have them in stock? rocky: sure do! we set up new inventory controls last year, so we don't have many backlogs any more. jacques: that's good. the tourist season is just around the corner, so i need them pretty quick. what's the earliest shipping date you can manage? rocky: they can be ready for shipment in 2-3 weeks. jacques: perfect.what's the total cif price, rocky? rocky: hang on ... the price will be $15,230 u.s. to your usual port. do we have a deal? jacques: you bet! send me a fax with all the information, and i'll send you my order right away. i'll pay by irrevocable letter of credit, as usual. same terms as always? rocky: of course. jacques: great! nice doing business with you again, rocky. bye for now, and say hello to the family for me. rocky: will do, and the same goes for me. bye, jacques. 中: 在这则对话中,rocky simons 是一家制造休闲快艇小公司的业主。

他正和另外一个国家一家海滨度假地的业主jacques riviera在电话里交谈。 rocky: 早上好,jacques,很高兴又和你谈话。你们那儿的天气怎么样? jacques: 再好不过了,rocky。晴朗,29度,微风…… rocky: 别说了!我受不了了。我能为你做什么吗, jacques: 我需要两只你们生产的sb2000快艇租给游客。你能给我个报价吗? rocky: 让我想想……呃,报价单上是6,500美元。您是我们的一个重要客户,我会给你10%的折扣。 jacques:那很合理。你们有现货吗? rocky: 当然有!我们去年建立了新的存货控制系统,所以我们不再有很多的积压订单。 jacques:那很好。旅游旺季就要到了,所以我很快就需要它们。您最早的发货日期是什么时候? rocky: 可以在2-3周内准备好装船。 jacques: 棒极了。

到岸价格是多少,rocky? rocky: 稍等……价格是15,230美元,到原先的港口。成交吗? jacques: 当然!给我发一份所有相关信息的传真,我会立即下订单。我会按惯例以不可撤销信用单方式付款。按照一惯的条款吗? rocky: 当然。 jacques: 好极了!很高兴再次和你做生意,rocky。那再见了,带我问你家人好。 rocky: 我会的,也带我问侯你家人。再见,jacques.中: 在这则对话中,rocky simons 是一家制造休闲快艇小公司的业主。他正和另外一个国家一家海滨度假地的业主jacques riviera在电话里交谈。 rocky: 早上好,jacques,很高兴又和你谈话。你们那儿的天气怎么样? jacques: 再好不过了,rocky。晴朗,29度,微风…… rocky: 别说了!我受不了了。我能为你做什么吗, jacques: 我需要两只你们生产的sb2000快艇租给游客。

你能给我个报价吗? rocky: 让我想想……呃,报价单上是6,500美元。 您是我们的一个重要客户,我会给你10%的折扣。 jacques:那很合理。你们有现货吗? rocky: 当然有!我们去年建立了新的存货控制系统,所以我们不再有很多的积压订单。 jacques:那很好。旅游旺季就要到了,所以我很快就需要它们。您最早的发货日期是什么时候? rocky: 可以在2-3周内准备好装船。 jacques: 棒极了。到岸价格是多少,rocky? rocky: 稍等……价格是15,230美元,到原先的港口。成交吗? jacques: 当然!给我发一份所有相关信息的传真,我会立即下订单。我会按惯例以不可撤销信用单方式付款。按照一惯的条款吗? rocky: 当然。 jacques: 好极了!很高兴再次和你做生意,rocky。那再见了,带我问你家人好。

rocky: 我会的,也带我问侯你家人。再见,jacques


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