

04月25日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[我的一家英语作文]Passage 1: I have a small family of three people.They are,of course,my parents and I. Both my parents are middle school teachers.My father is a Chinese teacher...+阅读


How to spend my allowances I have a plan to spend my allowances every week. My allowances every week is fifty dollars. First, I would spread my fifty dollars into two parts according to the week's activities. Which would probably be ten to forty, or twenty to thirty. On part of it would be for spending on stuff and the other part would be for my savings. Having savings is a good thing because then you can buy the stuff that's very expensive by saving up your money. THen I would use the remaining dollars to buy me snacks, food, and other things I want over the week. 够不够?


I have a plan to spend my allowances every week.My allowances every week is fifty dollars.First,I would spread my fifty dollars into two parts according to the weeks activities.Which would probably be ten to forty,or twenty to thirty.On part of it would be for spending on stuff and the other part would be for my savings.Having savings is a good thing because then you can buy the stuff thats very expensive by saving up your money.THen I would use the remaining dollars to buy me snacks,food,and other things I want over the week....


did a survey on how students spend their pocket money. The people I surveyed included my classmates and friends. From the findings, most of them spent money on buying snacks, MP4 players, fashion, small decorative toys and trend magazines. These let them feel that they were close to the trend among friends. However, this created a problem of no slack money for other purposes like donation to help others in need, and no saving habits.I think saving habit is important for students to allow them to plan for their future. This also allow them to learn that money is not easy to gain.下面是翻译`好汗的,翻译不通。。。所以亲还是自己写,或者改一下错的把。。 我做了一项调查结果显示,学生花他们如何零用钱。我调查的人包括我的同学和朋友。从发现,他们当中的大多数人花了钱买零食,MP4播放器,时尚、小装饰玩具和趋势杂志。

这让他们觉得他们是亲密朋友间的发展趋势。然而,这创造了一个问题,把钱花在别的地方没有松弛捐赠目的喜欢帮助别人的需要,没有储蓄的习惯。 我想节约习惯是很重要的学生让他们的计划


怎样花零用钱 各位老师,各位同学:美国著名作家马克•吐温说过:如果你懂得使用,金钱是一个好奴仆,如果你不懂得使用,它就变成了你的主人。在我们经济发达的无锡,相信很多同学都会零花钱。少则几元,多则上千,上万。身在蜜罐中的我们或许会想零花钱嘛,就是让自己随意支配的钱。我想买吃的就买吃的,想买玩的就买玩的。不瞒你说,我也曾经这么认为。但是,自从看到一篇同学的习作,我对零花钱有了新的认识。那位同在作文中这样写到:妈妈,有一件事,我一直想跟你和爸爸说,可又总是说不出口:你知道吗,每次体育课后,热得满头大汗的同学们就去买只冰糕,而我却没钱买,只好偷偷地躲在一边看。我的心里好难受啊!妈妈,你知道吗,其实我不仅仅是嘴馋。

有一次,我实在忍不住,就偷偷地拿了家里的1元钱,下体育课后也买了支雪糕。没想到后来你发现了,就和爸爸狠狠地打了我一顿。妈妈,我知道我们家没有钱,但我只要1元钱,在天气很热的时候,也能和同学们一样,光明正大地买只雪糕吃。1元钱,有些同学在小店买一根烤肠还不够,在校门口买碗牛线还不够……但是,这位同学却为这区区1元钱而犯错,而痛苦。1元钱,花起来的确是不多,如果要自己赚,那就真没那么简单啦。 同学们,一元钱或许花完以后就没了,或许会变成两元钱三元钱.......这就要看你如何灵活使用!我认为:我们可以把钱存进银行里。我们有了钱,可以在银行开一个户头,把钱存进去。在银行存钱不仅安全,还可以得到利息,这会激发我们不断存钱的欲望。

在花钱之前就会多想一想是不是一定要取出来。事实上,在我们小的时候,让我们养成存钱不乱花钱的习惯比存多少钱更重要。古人说:“节俭朴素,人之美德。奢侈华丽,人之大患。劳动是幸福的左手,节俭是幸福的右手。”发扬艰苦奋斗、勤俭节约是社会主义现代化建设的需要,是国家民族的象征。而今天不仅要提倡艰苦奋斗、勤俭节约,更重 要的还要善于创造财富,让财富增值。...


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