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[2014年职称英语考试试题综合类B级试题]第1部分:词汇选项(第1~15题,每题1分,共15分) 下面每个句子中均有1个词或者短语划有底横线,请为每处划线部分确定1个意义最为接近的选项。 1.Afterwards there was just a feeling...+阅读


一.1.to have missed 2.can they expect 3.leading 4.those 5.now that 6.were working 7.from 8.will have prepared 9.was required 10.although 二.work--has worked 2.successful—successfully 3.complete--will be completed 4.different--difference 5.take--had taken 6.impress--were impressed 7.employ—employers 8.go--going 9.achieve--achieve ment 10.bad--worse 三.1.to have your car serviced at the (service) station 2.(Mileage) figures 3.It is(money-saving) and easy to learn 4.they become (worn out) 5.All kinds of(spanners) 6.(frequent passengers) 7.get free tickets 8.pay for their flight (at least once within twenty months) 9.lvory is the starling (membership level) 10.introduction to (Flying Blue) 四.1.Olvera street the (birth place) of los 2.the oldest (church) in the city 3.Mann's (chinese theatre) 4.cement (hand and foot) prints of the 5.Beverly Hills and (Rodeo Drive) 五.单价(Unit price) 出口商(exporter) 合同号(contrart NO) 卖方(seller) 运输方式(Mode of transport) 商品编码(code of goods) 买方(Buyer) 总值(Total value) 数量(adantity ) 发证日期(Licehse date) 六.1.A worker (fell) from a water tower 2.He was(24 years old) 3.He (was painting) the inside of the tower 4.He did not wear fall (protection equipment) 5.Employees should be instructed to avoid (unsafe conditions) 七.翻译(这些是不能选的,选其他的选项都有分) 1.你应该相信自己未来的工作,面试官同样也知道你能胜任这项工作 2.在你们订购我们的新产品之前,我们将通过电子邮件的方式发去产品的说明 3.丝绸服装生产量大,即使你们的订购量不足1000件,我们也会适当给予折扣 4.即便我们进行过多次的合作.但是我们只能提高价格,因为劳动力成本上升 八.重点词汇 con cern 关系,关心 sales up 销售增加 situation and suggestions 情况与建议 upward 向上的 period 周期 general trend 总的趋势 weak mcrket 不景气的市场 due to 由于,因为 considerably 相当的,非常的


你说的是高等学校英语应用能力考试(B级)吧,就是大学英语三级(满分100分,60分合格,85及以上优秀) part 1.(15分钟) section A 听力1-5 单选

(四选一) section B 听力6-10单选

(四选一) 以上录音读两遍 section C 听力11-15单词填空(每空一个或多个单词) 此项录音读三遍 Part 2(15分钟) section A 16-25 单选题(以语法为主) section B 26-35 用括号里的单词的适当形式填空(以语法为主) Part 3(40分钟) 36-40阅读理解(选择题) 41-45阅读理解(选择题) 46-50根据短文单词填空(每空不超过3个单词) 51-55英汉匹配题(英译汉,10个匹配题) 56-60根据短文单词填空(每空不超过3个单词) Part 4(25分钟) 61-64英译汉(选择题) 65英译汉(填空题,较难,要翻译一段短文) Part 5(25分钟) 应用文写作



Dear general manager 2011 June 19

I was the sales manager,D Wang(人名). I attended the American New York electronic products fair, for a week.

The company set up three exhibition booth with us, products are well received by the customers. There are five companies and we signed the sales contract. Our products in the United States market will be very good prospects. We can provide the clients want the after service of high quality.

The high quality post-sale service will be to bring customers more sales of desire, also will give us the development of the company, the benefits of hope my advice can be adopted, sincerely waiting for your reply.

your sincerely

D wang

Dear Mr, John Brown 2011 June 19

I'm sales manager Wang,.Thank you for your order our products, You order goods has been sent out, and will soon arrive. Please reply by goods, And I hope you can put forward valuable opinion, in order to we correct and improve, While we provide to you the high quality post-sale service, We hope with your company can establish long-term cooperation relations, I believe that our cooperation will be more long .Your support is our biggest wish.

I wish your esteemed company more do well.

your sincerely



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