

04月27日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[我会用自己的行动来证明自己用英语怎么说]我会用自己的行动来证明自己, I will use my actions to prove myself 注: myself 英 [maɪˈself] 美 [maɪˈsɛlf] pron. 我自己,亲自; [例句]I asked myself what I would h...+阅读


French leave,不辞而别。

French leave is "leave of absence without permission or without announcing one's departure", including leaving a party without bidding farewell to the host. The intent behind this behaviour is to leave without disturbing the host.The phrase is first recorded in 1771 and was born at a time when the English and Frenchcultures were heavily interlinked.


及物动词 vt.Appreciate You can't appreciate English poetry unless you understand its rhythm.你若不懂英文诗韵律, 就无法欣赏英文诗。 名词 n.appreciation have now developed an appreciation of poetry.我现在会欣赏诗歌了。The course aims to develop the children's appreciation of music in performance.该课程旨在培养孩子欣赏音乐演奏的能力。She gazed in appreciation at the scene.她赞赏地看着这景色。


appreciate appreciate [E5pri:Fieit] vt. 赏识, 重视; 鉴赏, 欣赏; 珍惜 正确评价, 鉴别 感谢, 感激 意识到, 懂得 提高(价值), 抬高...的价格 appreciate English poetry 欣赏英诗 appreciate good food 品尝美味 appreciate sb.'s friendship 珍视某人的友谊 We all appreciate the holiday after a year of hard work. 经过一年的辛苦工作之后, 我们都十分珍惜这个假期。 A musician can appreciate small differences in sounds. 音乐家能辨别声音中极细微的差别。 We shall appreciate hearing from you again. 我们恭候佳音。 I appreciate your kindness. 多谢厚意。 We appreciate your difficulty. 我们意识到你们的困难。 Building the new railway appreciates the value of the land. 修建这条铁路提高了土地的价值。


Honesty, optimism, self-confident with my growth; I left with good interpersonal skills; the ability to communicate with others better, a strong sense of team; encounter unexpected events can sound processing, logical analysis has a good ability to judge on the new acceptance of things fast, and when I was younger I would be willing to endure hardship, I would like to use my hands to create a better tomorrow


什么是英语俚语指民间非正式、较口语的词句。 外语中俚语slang; slang expression 指的是粗俗的口语,常带有方言性。 俚语属于地道的英语中的一部分,当然粗语就尽量别用。 楼主想学地道的英...

什么是俚语?什么是俚语英语中的俚语和没语中的俚语是一样的吗粗俗的口语。常带有方言性 俚 【 拼音:li 笔画数:9 部首:亻】 俚 vulgar; 俚 lǐ 〈名〉 (1) (形声。从人,里声。本义:聊赖) (2) 同本义,赖以生活或依靠的事物 [ live for] 俚,聊也。 ――...

大家说说英语里常见的俚语1. hunky-dory没问题 Everything here is hunky-dory. Don't worry. 别担心,这里一切都没问题。 2. I kid you not我不骗你 I kid you not. I saw this woman talking to her...

常用的英语俚语有什么Any day will do? 哪一天都可以? Any messages for me? 有我的留言吗? Are you by yourself? 你一个人来吗? All right with you? 你没有问题吧? Are you free tomorrow? 明天有空吗?...

有哪些好玩的英语俗语俚语an eye for eye 以牙还牙 have bedroom eye有一双性感的眼睛 an eye for something对某物有鉴赏力 eye someone细看某人,打量某人 have eyes bigger than one's stomach眼馋...

急!高手赐有趣的英语俚语I have the ball at my feet.我成功的机会就在眼前.有指望了. All for the best.想开点,往好的方面想. We are on the roll.我们正鸿图大展. Get set for the final.期终考已...

谁提供几句有趣的英语俚语1.In wine there is truth.( 酒 中 有 真 相 。 ) 2.a skeleton in the cupboard( 家丑不可外扬 ) 3.apple-polisher 马屁精 例如:She is a real apple-polisher for the way she...

如何搞定英语presentation只要事先准备好需要用到的内容,一般都是没问题的。 presentation 英[ˌpreznˈteɪʃn] 美[ˌpri:zenˈteɪʃn] n. 提交; 演出; 陈述,报告; 颁奖仪式; [例句]We serve traditiona...

给几个英语俚语给几个英语俚语,有没有谁知道求各种英语俚语谚语俗语!有名气的:Be in the air 将要发生的事情 The feeling or idea that something new is about to happen or is going to ch...
