

04月28日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[谁能帮我把你是我最好的朋友翻译成英文的求大神帮助]Also Must not miss the sea stretches Yes Sunrise and sunset so free and easy Listen to me Listen to me sing I do not want echoed Seaside Sunrise and sunset with...+阅读


To stray.Put down the chain, go the other way. Hungry on the streets as sculpture, at the foot of a hat, grab a bite to eat. Tired is packed into a vampire to sleep on the street 's coffin. Get a performance art and entertainment to everyone. When the passerby, let yourself where also does not belong to, there is no betrayal abandonment and the like. The naked face every sunrise and sunset. My friends all over the world, and wild boar with gambol, and take a shower the elephants.We are wandering, wandering in the experience of the true meaning of lifeWe had been wandering, we in the life journey, with the voyageWe hand in hand, we walk side by sideIt is also a spiritual pursuit. When Gaudi built the Cathedral of the holy family, just like a tramp in art. With the construction thoughts, stop-and-go, perhaps today meet selvy girl, maybe tomorrow the Furlong elder brother dance door, eventually led to the 168 years have not completed. Maybe I have too many failures, wandering is perhaps that escape. Unhappy is because cannot lay down, in the heart to dig graves, cannot forget to bury it, and then back down the travel bagWe roam about.


crow's feet 不是乌鸦脚,而是鱼尾纹fourth estate 不是第四笔地产,是指记者或新闻界estate 有地产、遗产、地位的意思。欧洲传统上认为社会由贵族、教会、平民三大基层构成。大家是否还记得高中历史书上的法国大革命的图片。这些就是所谓的estate of the realm;近代新闻记者自成一个势力,则是传统三大阶层以外的第四阶层,称为fourth estate,有人把它译为第四权。full of beans 不是到处都是豆子,是精力充沛bean 通常指四季豆,大概是豆子营养丰富的原因,所以full of beans 意为精力充沛。不过在美国俚语中另有“错误连篇”的意思。hard shoulder 不是硬肩膀, 是路肩hard shoulder则确实是指路肩是铺的硬石子,与此对应还有soft shoulder,都是在美国公路上可以看见的路标,意在告诉司机路肩的状况,帮助司机了解在那里可以临时停车。

heavy duty 不是责任重大,是耐用hobby horse 不是爱马,是别人早就听腻、自己却乐此不彼的话题hobby一般译为嗜好,但其实跟中文的嗜好有些不同。hobby必须是正面的,花时闲去培养的休闲活动,看电视、逛街都不算。骑马horseback riding 可算是一种hobby,但hobby horse 与马无关,是别人早就听腻了的,自己却乐此不彼、老爱谈起的话题。milk run 不是牛奶用光了,是旅行搭的飞机或火车停很多站,非直达或者直飞有别于直飞或直达,停靠好几站载客的飞机或火车,就像milkman一天要跑好多地方一样,所以叫做milk run。另外,英国有所谓的milk round。是指大公司每年到各大学征才的活动。大概就是招聘会。moonshine 不一定是月光,也指私酒,或馊主意on the couch 不一定是坐在沙发上,是看心理医师couch就是sofa,看心理医师的时候,病人躺下来谈话的长椅也叫couch,所以 on the couch也就有看心理医师的意思。

Spending months on the couch delving into childhood traumas.是“花几个月看心理医师,探索童年的心灵创伤”的意思。free shipping 不是免费“偷渡”,而是免费邮寄


谁能帮我把你是我最好的朋友翻译成英文的拜托各位了 3QAlso Must not miss the sea stretches Yes Sunrise and sunset so free and easy Listen to me Listen to me sing I do not want echoed Seaside Sunrise and sunset with...

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