

04月28日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[一封写给爸爸妈妈的英文版的信]dear mum and dad, how are you doing recently? It has a long time since i had contacted you last time, I hope both of you are doing well. i am pretty well these...+阅读



We're so sorry that you aren't satisfied with our service. As all the procedure need evidence, we will really appreciate if you can mail back any evidence you have. As we have given you the post fee which has already disobeyed our principle, cause you are our dear foreign customer,we cannot afford anything you ask for more. If you have anything more to complain about, or you still want to refund, you may contact with our local Service Department.





You are a fucking asshole! Mother fucker! Do u even know who you are?! You are like a piece of shit! You are so ugly that nobody is going to face with you! You are an idiot who is too foolish to figure out a primary school year one math equation! Do you remember the last you made fool of yourself? That was so impressive and nobody didn't laugh loud! There are almost 7 billion people around the world and you are the only one who is so freaking that can shock each of the human being! I am convinced that your parents were all pissed off when you appeared! You existence pose a threat to the people around you because they may get infected by your ignorance! The best choice for you is to jump from a skyscraper with 100 floors and it is going to be a contribution to the human society because no one will be shocked by your foolish show!...


I believe that, in this world, in addition to the dead, the baby and the dumb mouth can't do, not open his mouth Smart people, also called not is not scold, the more not scold and not cursed or being scold and didn't scold Man, this shows, "call names" involves the broad scope, scold...... The reasons for this is Lin Lin always, but on the whole, the most fundamental or damage to the call names who itself The benefits for, then, had to in the heart of things other people or fiction has also suffered misfortune to balance himself Psychological, therefore, will extend a the swearing....


Shut up!闭嘴!Bullshit!胡说! 3. God damn it!他X的! 4. SOB=son of a bitch!狗。娘。养的! 5. You bastard!你这杂。种! 6. You stupid jerk!你这蠢。猪! 7. :w:w:w:w off!滚。蛋! 8. Get lost!滚开! 9. What a stupid idlot!真是白痴一个! 10. You make me sick!你真让我恶。心! 11. Knock it off.少来这一套。 12. Get out of my face.从我面前消失。 13. Leave me alone.走开。 14. You piss me off.你气死我了。 15. It's none of your business.关你屁事。 16. How dare you!你敢! 17. What did you say?你说什么? 18. Cut it out.省省吧。 19. Don't give me your shit.别跟我胡扯。 20. No more excuses.别找借口。 21. You're a pain in the ass.你这讨厌鬼。 22. You're an asshole.你这缺德鬼。...


求一封写给父母的信要英文What does family mean? It means Father And Mother, I Love You. Thank you, father. For you broke the habit of smoking when mother was pregnant. You began to smok...

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