

05月13日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[《东北往事》经典语录]《东北往事》经典语录 1、什么是兄弟,兄弟就是在你有难的时候不连累他们。 2、每个男孩子心中都有一个大侠,每个中国的男孩子都曾经希望成为一个大侠,都希望自己能够骑白马、衣...+阅读


The topography of the landscape of the northeastern United States is very varied landscape can be New England's rocky coast through Pennsylvania's Allegheny hills (the Allegheny Front) transition to the fertile farmland of the Ohio River Valley。 Isles is of Shoals near the Maine and New Hampshire, the state sector can be regarded as the northeast Atlantic rocky start。 Can be seen in the northern coast of Maine to the rugged cliffs and the sea level difference of 100 feet; West Quoddy Head Peninsula in Maine - as well as America's most eastern point - the south of the rocky shore then slowly becomes sandy, and has been extended to the Atlantic coast in the northeastern United States。 There are many large islands between Cape Cod in Massachusetts and New Jersey, Cape May, including Nantucket, Martha's Vineyard, Block Island, Long Island, Manhattan Island, and Staten Island。 2000 issue of New Hampshire to commemorate the 25 cents coinThere are four main rivers of the Atlantic estuary / delta in this region of the coast: at the junction of the Delaware River in New Jersey and Delaware, in New York and New Jersey, at the junction of the Hudson River, Cornell State of Connecticut, Connecticut River, and Maine the Cannan Baker River。

Cannan Baker River, extending inland to Maine more than one hundred kilometers, the source of more than Augusta。 Hudson River into New York Harbor on the New York metropolitan area, upstream north has been extended to the Catskill Mountains', further north in the Adirondack Mountains in upstate New York to find its source。 Mo Walker River from near the source of Syracuse to the east, the import in the north, Albany City, the Hudson River。Connecticut River south flowing through the Green Mountains and the Hakusan mountain range along the border between New Hampshire and Vermont, and south through Springfield and Hartford, is the south shore of Connecticut into Long Island Sound。 Northeast of the highest peak and the lies of the nation's strongest wind is in the White Mountains of New Hampshire, Washington peak (Mt。 Washington)。 Famous attractions of the mountain in the elderly (Old Man of the in Mountain) is also on the White Mountains, a geological, unfortunately, this was the 2003 collapse of the geological wonders of its scenes still impressed deeply in the hearts of the state with the state of the United States 50The world-famous Niagara Falls。

The state to commemorate the currency on。 In the forward to the green hills east of New York and Vermont state boundary formed by glacial erosion of the Champlain Lake (Lake Champlain,), Burlington, Vermont's largest city on the lake。 Delaware River from the Pocono Mountains (the Pocono Mountains) and Castskill Mountains originated, the flow manager of Sea Valley (Lehigh Valley), Tsui Dayton, Philadelphia, and finally into the junction between Delaware and New Jersey, Delaware Bay。 This river is also a natural state lines in Pennsylvania and New Jersey。 Susquehanna River in the Catskill Mountains, New York State, after flowing through Pennsylvania's Allegheny Plateau and the Pocono Mountains, across the Pennsylvania state border into Maryland。 Note 入奇瑟皮克 Bay (the Chesapeake Bay,)。To the north-west of the Susquehanna River to go, you can reach the State of New York Finger Lakes Finger Lakes, and then north can be on the verge of the Great Lakes in New York State, Lake Ontario and is located in New York State and Pennsylvania Lake Erie。

, There is a between the two isthmus (Isthmus to connect the Great Lakes and New York State and Ontario) resulted in one of the world-famous Falls - Niagara Falls near Buffalo。 The Ohio River flows through Pittsburgh from the Allegheny Plateau originated south, and then into the central and western, and this region to import the Mississippi River。








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