

05月13日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[关于志愿者的八年级英语作文]Volunteers Each nation has many good people who help to take care of others. For example, some high school and college students in the United States often spend...+阅读


How do we keep healthy? As we all know, health is the most important thing for us. These years, many people want to found the healthy way. Here are some of my advices. First, try to eat less sweet foods or meat. They can make you fat. Don't eat too much junk food, either. It's good for your health. Second, do more exercise every day. If your home is near from your school, you'd better walk to school. This is kind of exercise, isn't it? Third, enough time of rest. You certainly should get up early. Don't stay up! Early to bed and early to rise makes a person healthy, wealthy and wise. It's very important for us to have a healthy lifestyle. Our healthy lifestyle can help us get good grades!


3c的 If you have a cold

Everybody has a cold sometimes. When you have a cold,you should drink some water and have a good rest.You should also wear more clothes and take some medicine.Eat fruit and vegetables is good for your health,too.

self check 2 的

Dear Sally,

I'm sorry to hear that you're not feeling well.I think you should relax andsometimes you should do more exercise. You should keep warm. As for Putonghua, I think you should pracise Putonghua with Chinese often.Ialso think you should listen to Chinese often. I hope you will feel better soon and improve your Chinese.




:Tom邀请LiPing参加他生日的聚会,但是LiPing的父母出差(be out on business)要到下个月才回来(come back home),奶奶又生病在床,需要人照顾,而且他得为了即将到来的英语考试而学习。因此无法来参加这一生日聚会。他感到很抱歉。

Thank you very much for inviting me to your birthday party.I'd love to,but I can't. My parents are both at work. They are coming back next month. And now I have to look after my grandma because she is ill in bed. And I also need to study for my coming English exam. I am very sorry,but I can't go to your party. Thank you for asking

me.I hope you will have a good time. Thanks, Dave

求八年级英语作文 10篇。跪求。。

I watched television late last night so I woke up late. My mother asked me to go to the market to buy some eggs for her. When I played with a little dog on the street, I dropped the eggs on the ground. They were all broken. My mother was very angry with me when I went home. I am very unhappy to-day.

2. I woke up early this morning. I went out to play with my neighbor. We watched cartoon at his home. After I went home about 4 O'clock in the afternoon, I helped my mother to do some house work. She is very happy so I am happy too.


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