

05月13日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[英语超短篇小故事]It was a sunny Fall day, crisp and blue and gold. Kevin and his friend Katie climbed onto the school bus, heading for the Pumpkin Patch. They sat on the back be...+阅读

英语短篇哲理文章 50字附中文

The Rabbit and The Wolf'

One day a rabbit was walking near the hill. He heard someone crying,'Help! Help!'It was a wolf. A big stone was on the wolfs back. He cried, "Mr. Rabbit, take this big stone from my back, or I will die."

The Rabbit moved the stone from the wolfs back. Then the wolf jumped and caught the rabbit.

“If you kill me, I will never help you again.” Cried the rabbit . “Ha,ha!You will not live, because I will kill you." said the wolf.

'I helped you. How can you kill me? It's unfair. You ask Mrs. Duck. She will say that you are wrong." said the rabbit. “I will ask her,” said the wolf.

So they went to ask Mrs. Duck. The duck listened to their story and said,” What stone? I must see it. Then I can know who is right. “So the wolf and the rabbit and the duck went to see the stone.

"Now, put the stone back," said Mrs. Duck. So they put the stone back. Now the big stone is on the wolf's back again.

That's all for my story. Thanks for listening.


一天,兔子先生正在山坡附近遛哒,他听到有人在呼救:“救命呀!救命呀!”他这边瞧瞧,那边望望,他发现了可怜的狼先生,一块大石头掉下来压在狼先生的背上,他起不来了。他喊道:“兔先生,把这块大石头从我背上搬开,要不然我会死的。”兔子好不容易把大石头从狼背上搬开,这时,狼跳起来,把兔子叼在嘴里。“如果你吃了我,”兔子叫喊着,“只要我还活着,我再也不帮你的忙了。” “你不会活了,”狼说,“因为我要吃了你了。” “好人是不会杀救过他命的恩人的,”兔子说,“这很不公平,你去问鸭子夫人,她很胖,她样样事情都通晓,她一定会说没有一个好人会干出这种事情来。” “我去问她”,于是,狼和兔子到了鸭子家。狼说:“当兔子先生在山坡附近坐下时,我抓住了他,因此,我要吃掉他。现在你来谈谈你是怎样想的吧。” “我从他的背上搬开好大的一块石头,”兔子说,“因此,我说他不应该吃掉我,因为我救了他。现在你说说你的看法吧。” “什么石头?”鸭子夫人问。“山附近一块石头,”兔子说。“我必须去看看,”鸭子说,“如果我连那块石头也没有看见,那我怎么说得出我的看法?”于是,狼、兔子和鸭子一起去看那块石头。现在你知道结果是什么了。


给你两篇 the thirsty pigeon口渴的鸽子 a pigeon, oppressed by excessive thirst, saw a goblet of water painted on a signboard. not supposing it to be only a picture, she flew towards it with a loud whir and unwittingly dashed against the signboard, jarring herself terribly. having broken her wings by the blow, she fell to the ground, and was caught by one of the bystanders. zeal should not outrun discretion. 有只鸽子口渴得很难受,看见画板上画着一个水瓶,以为是真的。他立刻呼呼地猛飞过 去,不料一头碰撞在画板上,折断了翅膀,摔在地上,被人轻易地捉住了。 这是说,有些人想急于得到所需的东西,一时冲动,草率从事,就会身遭不幸。 the raven and the swan乌鸦和天鹅 a raven saw a swan and desired to secure for himself the same beautiful plumage. supposing that the swan's splendid white color arose from his washing in the water in which he swam, the raven left the altars in the neighborhood where he picked up his living, and took up residence in the lakes and pools. but cleansing his feathers as often as he would, he could not change their color, while through want of food he perished. change of habit cannot alter nature. 乌鸦非常羡慕天鹅洁白的羽毛。

他猜想天鹅一定是经常洗澡,羽毛才变得如此洁白无 瑕。于是,他毅然离开了他赖以生存的祭坛,来到江湖边。他天天洗刷自己的羽毛,不但一 点都没洗白,反而因缺少食物饥饿而死。 这故事是说,人的本性不会随着生活方式的改变而改变。


The Way that can be told of is not an Unvarying Way; The names that can be named are not unvarying names. It was from the Nameless that Heaven and Earth sprang; The named is but the mother that rears the ten thousand creatures, each after its kind. Truly, 'Only he that rids himself forever of desire can see the Secret Essences' ; He that has never rid himself of desire can see only the Outcomes. These two things issued from the same mould, but nevertheless are different in name. This ' same mould' we can but call the Mystery, Or rather the 'Darker than any Mystery', The Doorway whence issued all Secret Essences. 道可道,非常道;名可名,非常名。无名,天地之始;有名,万物之母。故常无欲,以观其妙;常有欲,以观其徼。此两者,同出而异名,同谓之玄。玄之又玄,众妙之门。...


If I Rest,I Rust 如果我休息,我就会生锈 The significant inscription found on an old key---“If I rest, I rust”---would be an excellent motto for those who are afflicted with the slightest bit of idleness. Even the most industrious person might adopt it with advantage to serve as a reminder that, if one allows his faculties to rest, like the iron in the unused key, they will soon show signs of rust and, ultimately, cannot do the work required of them. Those who would attain the heights reached and kept by great men must keep their faculties polished by constant use, so that they may unlock the doors of knowledge, the gate that guard the entrances to the professions, to science, art, literature, agriculture---every department of human endeavor. Industry keeps bright the key that opens the treasury of achievement. If Hugh Miller, after toiling all day in a quarry, had devoted his evenings to rest and recreation, he would never have become a famous geologist. The celebrated mathematician, Edmund Stone, would never have published a mathematical dictionary, never have found the key to science of mathematics, if he had given his spare moments to idleness, had the little Scotch lad, Ferguson, allowed the busy brain to go to sleep while he tended sheep on the hillside instead of calculating the position of the stars by a string of beads, he would never have become a famous astronomer. Labor vanquishes all---not inconstant, spasmodic, or ill-directed labor; but faithful, unremitting, daily effort toward a well-directed purpose. Just as truly as eternal vigilance is the price of liberty, so is eternal industry the price of noble and enduring success. 翻译: 重大的题字上找到一个古老的关键——“如果我休息,我就会生锈”——依旧是一个优秀的宗旨是为那些折磨的一点点懒惰。

即使最勤奋的人将它与优势,提醒了我们,如果有才而不用,就像废弃钥匙的铁一样,这些才能很快就会生锈,并最终无法完成安排给自己的工作。 有些人想取得高度达到并保持的成就,必须不断运用自身才能,以便开启知识的大门,即那些通往大门入口专业,科学,文学,农业-每部人类努力的。 工业保持明亮的一把钥匙,打开宝库的成就。休米勒如果在采石场劳作一天后,晚上停下来休息和消遣的话,他就不会成为著名的地质学家。著名数学家爱德蒙斯通的话,就不会出版数学词典,也不会发现开启数学之门的钥匙,如果闲暇时无所事事,有一点透明让自己忙碌的大脑去放羊时在山坡上而不是计算星星的位置,他就不会成为著名的天文学家。 劳动征服一切——没有变化无常,船上或编导劳动;但忠信的,坚持不懈的努力,每日朝着矶的目的。



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