

05月13日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[英语励志短文带翻译短一些]原发布者:今天有空90 ThinkPositiveThoughtsEveryDay积极看待每一天Ifyourlifefeelslikeitislackingthepowerthatyouwantandthemotivationthatyouneed,sometimesallyouhaveto...+阅读


Do you want to be successful? Do you want to be attrative?Do you want yourself a popular person?If your answers are "yes",well ,firstly you should be confident.

Confidence is very important,cause it's the source of happiness.The foundation of confidence is people accepct, appreciate and love themselves,then they always are very optimistic,everything seems to be great in their eyes,so it's much easier to be happy.

And if a person is confident,then he usually is energic,and he also could work better.

Comparing with someone who looks shy, the confident people are much more popular.They seem to have the magic power so that they can draw much attention to them easily.So being confident can make people charming.That will bring them mush pleasure.

Well ,so please make our minds be more confident.I believe we'll get a brighter future with the wings of confidence !







A smile to their Still remember last year, the "high-end access," is an interview with Bill Gates, most of what he can not forget the experience of success, he said this quote: "I am successful is because all of them immersed in the failure of the pain, I have already started a new design. When all of them enjoy the joy of success, I have already failed attempts. As a Chinese saying: 'victory is not arrogance, failure is not hungry', I victory and the like will not be knocked down, but also a failure and regret will not be destroyed, there is more than just a smile. " This can be described as classic. Real life, Bill Gatesis to do so, when all of Microsoft's software viruses was almost nothing left, the danger of being broken, he laughed and had the face of the virus, three days after Bill Gatesdeveloped by the new generation of antivirus software to save everything. In the latest Microsoft System w indow s - xp successfully developed, the Bill Gates easily smiled, the beginning of another system. The world's richest man and the difference between ordinary people is more than the face of his heart smile. Laughter is also a pessimist and the optimist's a huge difference. Edison's filament in the election material so experienced the failure of thousands of times. After each failure, his aides are annoyed look, and Edison is said with a smile: "What is troubling, the failure of the first, it proves that we rule out the possibility of a wrong answer, a step away from the success of the past!" Do not look down on you, they smile, a smile to the contempt of the difficulties you courage, a smile will change your life. When the life of the mountain like a huge pressure on you, give you strength and self-confident smile is. In fact, not difficult to smile, bend mouth, and that is laughter. But the difficulty is a laugh from the heart. In the face of setbacks and unfortunate days must laugh in a calm; in a very melancholy mood of the day, smiling in a number of self-confidence should increase, not to be understood in the days to come by misunderstanding, we should add a trace of laughter in debauchery . Laughter is not difficult, it is difficult to grasp the scale laughing. Do not complain about life too much to its own suffering, too many twists and turns, and too much pain to himself a smile! Let you in a calm and less formal; increase the number of happy, less sad; plus some self-confidence, by a trace of inferiority. Not too much to face their own, do not be too indulgent, not to be too mean, and the hands should be holding the balance of life, to find their own benchmark smile. After all, it is not hard to smile. 给自己一个微笑 还记得去年看《高端访问》,采访的是比尔·盖茨,最令人不能忘记的就是他成功的经验,他说过这样一段话:“我成功是因为当所有的人都沉浸在失败的痛楚中,我却早已开始了新的设计。

当所有的人都享受在成功的喜悦中,我却早已尝试着失败。中国有句名言:‘胜不骄,败不馁’,我之所以不被胜利和喜欢击倒,也不会被失败和懊恼摧残,这里面只是一个微笑而已。” 这段话可称为经典。现实生活中比尔·盖茨也是这样做的,当微软的全部软件几乎被病毒侵害得所剩无几,危在旦夕时,他面对着病毒一笑而过,三天之后由比尔·盖茨研制成的新一代杀毒软件拯救了一切。而在微软的最新系统w indow s - xp研制成功后,比尔·盖茨轻松地笑笑,开始了又一个系统的研制。 世界首富和常人不同之处,是脸上多了份发自内心的微笑。 笑也是悲观者与乐观者的一个巨大区别。爱迪生在选做灯丝的材料时,经历了上千次失败。每一次失败后,他的助手都神情懊恼,而爱迪生却笑着说:“有什么令人烦恼的,失败一次,就证明我们排除了一个错误答案,离成功近了一步!” 你千万别小看这些微笑,微笑给你蔑视困难的勇气,微笑会改变你的一生。

当生活像一座巨大的山压在你身上,给你力量和自信的就是微笑。 其实笑并不难,嘴角上翘,那就是笑。但难的是一种发自内心的笑。在面临种种挫折和不幸的日子里,笑里必须多一份坦然;在心情极为忧郁的日子里,笑里应该增加一些自信,在不被理解受误解的日子里,笑里就要加一丝放荡。笑不难,难的是把握笑的标尺。 不要抱怨生活给了自己太多的磨难、太多的曲折和太多的痛苦,给自己一份微笑!让你多一份坦然,少一份拘谨;增加一些快乐,减少一些悲伤;加一些自信,减一丝自卑。 面对自己不要过于苛求,不要过于放纵,更不要太吝啬,手里应该拿着生活的天平,来寻找自己微笑的标尺。 毕竟微笑不难。 其实有很多办法。去找个中文关于自信的短文。然后翻译成英文←_←


Currently, self-confidence has been the order of the day .

This does demonstrate the theory --- nothing is more valuable

than self-confidence.

It is clear that self-confidence means trust in one's abilities .

If you are full of self-confidence ,it will bring your creative power

to play , arouse your enthusiasm for work, and help you overcome

difficulties , as a result , your dreams will come true .On the contrary,

if you have no confidence in yourself, there is little possibility that

you would ever achieve anything. Failure will be following with you。

It turns out that all your plan falls through .

No one can deny another fact that self-confidence gives you light

when you are in dark and encouragement when you are dismayed .

You donn't have to look very far to find out the truth , in respect

that we all know the secret of MMe.Curie lies in preserverence and

self-confidence, the latter in particular. It will exert a profound

influence upon the achievement of one's ambitions .

With reference to my standpoint ,I think he that can have

self-confidence can have what he will.


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