

05月13日 编辑 fanwen51.com



Going to Canada to negotiations should be noted that guidelines:the Canadian businessman, you understand its cultural background, native language is English or French.Business English descentPeople tend to be business-oriented, act according to the style of direct, less etiquette, very equality, conservative andThe concept of time relative to stress; most of the French merchants more etiquette, belongs to the community-oriented culture, relativeTheir ideas or feelings, clarity and a sense of time is not very strong, they play in French and payRoad more conducive to success.Canadian businessman in merchant's some negotiation, such as indirect, circuitous, hamStorage, and so on.Canada business negotiation features and characteristics:In negotiations with them, bearing in mind that they prefer the way easement of the marketing, don't like too much attack,The marketing of a ' big bang ', so to avoid exaggerated and belittle product publicity; be careful not to be too high elevation himselfThe original price of the product.Many of the Canadian Chamber of Commerce you purchase price policy.On the contrary, enters the cityField must be earmarked to ensure profitability for space development, but in the future, do not leave too much.Want to travel in Canada:Canada has a colorful scenery, natural landscape and human landscapes is traffic.To the Canadian Tourism Commission, room to prior booking.Canada hotel facilities.The Canadian people loveMusic and art, not like people to be late or even let others for explanation of the plot.


Etiquette in International Business Negotiation

the negotiator in the international business should follow the following etiquette ;

first , we must be on time of the meeting . also , we can not be too early than the time we are expected. before we go to visit

someone , we can make a phone call first . to make sure that they are free to meet us .

second , proper dress is requested.

3rd, make sure the attendance, and try to remember their name and title.

4th, be polite when we are negotiation.

5th ,do not talk about the tabu things .




在商务谈判中要做到:第一,善于倾听,做到少说多听。第二,灵活应变,做到灵活性与原则性相结合。第三,语义清楚,做到形式委婉、内容明确。在商务英语中常用的谈判技巧:一,试探摸底法首先要摸清对方的意图、底牌或大概底线在谈判中才能有的放矢,古语有云:知彼知己百战百胜。二,价值引导法试探摸底之后,可以通过一些共同的利益点或共同的价值观逐渐引导谈判向好的方面发展。三,细节处理法在具体细节上,必须非常熟悉业务,比如一些数据或报价必须准备好并且非常详细,让对方都不得不惊叹你的信息收集能力,在接下来的谈判中才能掌握主动。商务英语谈判的注意事项: 第一,软硬兼并。在谈判中,谈判双方的态度十分重要。既不可以过于强硬,也不可以过于软弱。



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商务英语谈判求翻译A:Hello, I am the company r&d department supervisor AAA B:Hello hello, I'm marketing manager BBB, please advanced to sit on A:thanks B:Is there anything A:So, w...


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