

05月13日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[有哲理的英语句子]有哲理的英语句子 1、Judge not from appearances. 人不可貌相,海不可斗量。 2、He sets the fox to keep the geese. 引狼入室。 3、He who risks nothing gains nothing....+阅读


我个人是这样理解的。因为语言最终是用来沟通的。造成2种意思是由于断句不同。 Why do you think, her feelings changed towards nature?是第一种意思,你为什么认为 她对大自然的态度改变了?(是什么让你觉得 她对大自然的态度发生了改变?) Why ,do you think her feelings changed towards nature?是第二种意思,你认为是什么导致了她对大自然的态度发生了改变? 断句不同意思不同,还有一些例子 He likes his father (他喜欢他爸爸。) He,like his father.(他,像他爸爸。) 单单从书面上看,偏向于第一种意思,因为大部分人语感上偏向于句子更紧密的方向。 希望和英语爱好者切磋观点。


歧义句子= squinting modifier (a common grammatical error) i.e. 1) [WRONG] Defining your terms clearly strengthens your argument. (does defining "clearly strengthen" or does "defining clearly" strengthen?) [RIGHT] Defining your terms will clearly strengthen your argument. OR A clear definition of your terms strengthens your argument. 2) Students who miss classes frequently fail the course. We can't tell which part of the sentence the word frequently is supposed to modify. Look at these two possible meanings: Students who miss class frequently or frequently fail the course. Correct a squinting modifier error by repositioning the modifier to place it next to the word it modifies. 3) # Writing an essay (clearly) will improve your grade. # I told Merdine (when the game was over) I would drive her to the bingo hall. # Instructors who cancel classes (rarely) are reprimanded. 4) The marathon coordinator said Friday we would have a trial run.— (Did the coordinator give this information on Friday, or is the trial run on Friday?) The company representative told us eventually the president would meet with us.— (Did the representative eventually tell us, or did the president eventually meet with us?) 5) WRONG : "I said eventually I would do it." RIGHT: "Eventually, I said I would do it" or "I said I would do it eventually."


1 Stephen King says, "Rachel Hens is a crazy author." "Stephen King", says Rachel Hens "is a crazy author."

2 Don't do anything stupid. Don't,do anything stupid.

3 The committee consists of Mary Jane, Sue Ann, and Louise.

4 The team said, the coach is great. The team, said the coach, is great.

5 Let's talk turkey. Let's talk, turkey.

6.Well leave it alone. Well, leave it alone.

7.The ladies have cast off clothing at the garage sale. The ladies have cast off, clothing at the garage sale.

8. Bring four gallon jugs. Bring four gallon, jugs.

9. Go fetch Fido. Go, fetch Fido.

10 Listen to me, that doesn't make sense. Listen to me that, doesn't make sense.

11 Don't eat fast. Don't eat, fast.


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