

05月19日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[传递正能量英语怎么译]就是Pass the positive energy 传递 [chuán dì] transmit delivery 网络释义 pass on Transfer transmit 正能量 [物] positive energy 网络释义 Positive Energy POSITIV...+阅读


Wow~! Winter holiday's coming~~ I'm too happy to know what i should do now.I didn't get good grades this exam,so really don't what to do.But i don't want to think it now except something exciting.anyway,New Year's approaching. Finally I wanna say Happy New Year to all my friends and classmates.I will always pray for all of you. 今周终于放假啦!真的好开心不知道有什么做呢?而且今次考试考的非常差,不知道怎么办。但是现在什么也不要想,只要想开心的事。希望快点过年吧.最后,想对我有的朋友和同学道一声新年快乐。我会永远为你们祝福,祈祷的。


In a class for more than a month, is not difficult to find, go to school every day, you always come later than other students, and the face also with some seemingly smiling, and embarrassed, awkward expression. In the class, rarely find can you Ann copies to listen to a class, sometimes, you always stare at the side of a classmate giggled, and sometimes, and you sit alone in a daze, and even make some funny sound. Your performance, I and my classmates are very curious. In our hearts there is a question: what the hell are you? I think, what could have happened on you, is it right? Parents give too much pressure, or the great pressure of study to press you have cast out, or are you ill? As your classmates, and as your friend, I sincerely hope you can normal and we strive together, work together. I hear you have to go to the hospital, you rest assured, no matter what happens, our class will always be your most solid backing. We are waiting for you to come back and we learn together, recover soon!


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