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[求21世纪大学英语应用型综合教程3答案要完整的]Ⅰ. ADCDBBCBCAAACDB Ⅱ. 1. A 题意:“棒球在哪里?”“它在床底下。”根据答语under the bed可知是提问地点,所以应是where; how是表示 “怎么样”; What是“什么”,提问事物; Whe...+阅读


Task3:LearningtospeakEnglish Hello,howareyou?WhenmostpeoplelearnEnglishasasecondlanguage,theylearnformalEnglish.Unfortunately,learningitlikethistendstomakeyoufeeldistantandbored.Thetruthis,mostpeopleinEnglish-speakingcountriesdon'tspeaktoeachotherinsuchaformalway.Theyspeakinacasualwaytotheirfriendsandfamilies.Whenspeakingcasually,peopletendtousealotofinformalorcolloquialwords,andalsoshortenandconnecttheirphrases.Theysaythingslike“Hey,what'sup?”or“Hey!Whatchabeendion'?”Theseexpressionsarebothcommonandnatural,andmakeyouseemlikeanativespeaker.Usingthemmaymakepeoplemoreinterestedintalkingtoyou.ThistypeofEnglishismorelikewhatyouwillhearinmoviesandTVshows.SpeakingthiswaymakesnativespeakersfeelmorerelaxedandyouwillsoundlikeafriendlypersonwhospeaksEnglishwell.Yougotthat,buddy?



part A

Ex1 1-5 d a b c b

part B

C1 Ex1 1-4 c d b b

C2 Ex1 1-4 a b a a

part D

Ex1 1-3 b c d

Ex2 1-3 c d b


part A

Ex1 1-3 c b a

part B

C1 Ex1 1-5 b a d b c

C2 Ex1 1-5 c a d ba


part B

Ex1 1-4 c d a c

part D

Ex 1-4 c b a b


part B

C1 Ex1 1-4 b a d c

C2 Ex1 1-4 c d b c

part D

Ex1 1-5 a b c d d


part B

C1 Ex1 1-5 d b b a a

C2 Ex1 1-4 d c c b

part D

Ex 1-4 d c b b

part B

C2 Ex1 1-4 a c a b


part B

C1 Ex1 1-5 a d b b a

C2 Ex1 1-4 c d a b


part B

C1 Ex1 1-5 a d a d b

C2 Ex1 1-5 b a d c d


part B

C1 Ex1 1-4 a c d b

C2 Ex1 1-3 c b c

part D

Ex 1-4 b b c d

unit 16

part A

Ex1 1-5 b d b a c

part B

C1 Ex1 1-5 b c b a d

C2 Ex1 1-5 d b c c a

Test 1

part A

1-10 b c a a a c b d c b

part C

1-2 c d 3-5 b a d

part D

1-3 c b a 4-6 d b d 7-10 d c b d

Test 2

part A

1-10 b d d b d c d c a b

part C

1-3b b a 4-5 d b

part D

1-3 d b b 4-7 a b a d 8-10 a b c赞同10| 评论(2)


Test one

1-5 DDADC 6-10 ACCCB 11-15 DBCBD

16. Researchers 17. murder 18. Fortunately

19. harmony 20. advantage 21. boxers

22. brains

23. Even the most ordinary household items such as irons or can-openers are designed for right-handed people.

24. you can buy anything from left-handed pocket calculators to knives and coffee mugs.

25. People who buy things from the shop say it just makes their everyday life much easier.

26-30 BCDBD 31-35 AABDC

Test Two

1-5 CACBD 6-10 CBDCD 11-15 DCDBB

16. course 17. prevent 18. technology

19. benefits 20. particular 21. Due

22. communities

23. they are to be seen flying freely in the sky.

24. Recycling should be put into consideration

25. consumers themselves have to be responsible for the proper disposal of their garbage.

26-30 CDAAD 31-35 BDCAB


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