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[哪儿有爱,哪儿就有财富和成功]哪儿有爱,哪儿就有财富和成功 这是一篇很有意思的文章,也许,在浏览文字的时候,你也不妨跟着选择一下。你的答案是什么? 有位妇人走到屋外,看见前院坐着三位有着长白胡须的老人。...+阅读


Different people have different views on success.Some hold that

making a great deal of money means success.Others argue that holding an

important post in the government means success.Still others believe that

having a high academic title at a famous university or a research

institute means success.

In my opinion,success means brilliant

achievement in our work.In other words,no matter what we do,making

outstanding contributions to the development of our country and bringing

help and happiness to others is success.


With the development of our national economy,more and more people have become rich. They have luxurious cars and big houses. Some believe this great possession of material wealth is a sign of success, while others strongly hold that wealth cannot be the only measure of success. In my opinion, whether a person is successful or not cannot be solely judged by his material wealth. It is true that many wealthy people aresuccessful businessman, but many other successful people are obviously not rich. Yangliwei, the space hero, is a good example. He works hard and has brought great glory to our country, but still he draws a modest salary. Another example is the bus conductress Li suli. She distinguishes herself for her eagerness to help the ordinary people and provide better service so that she has been honored as a national model work. No doubt, working as a bus conductress, she could never compare with those business people in material wealth. Measuring success by wealth alone will makepeople neglect the spiritual side of life. If one's only goal is life is to become richm, doing nothing like serving others or making any worthwhile achievements to the society, the he certainty cannot be regarded as successful. In the public eyes, those who spend their lives only striving for bigger houses, expensive clothing and entertainment are the biggest losers of all. In conclusion, making money is indicative ofsuccess, but it doesn't mean to be the only way to success. The most important things to achieve success is to work hard and make contributions to our society.


Wealth and success One day a woman answered a knock on the door of her little family home. To her great surprise, she saw three ancient and wise-looking men with long white beards and flowing gowns standing on her doorstep. After a brief pause, one of the men said, 'Greetings. My name is Success, the one in golden robe is Wealth and the one in the Pink robe is Love. Each one of us has a gift for you, your husband and children. We would like to come in and deliver our great gifts to your family.' The woman said, 'Oh thank you. Please do come in.' Success answered, 'You must choose which one of us you would like to invite in first as we can only come in and give our gifts to you and your family one at a time.' So the woman turned and asked her husband which one they should invite to come in first. “Husband, here we have Success, Wealth and Love waiting on our doorstep. Who shall we invite in first?' Her husband thought for a moment and replied 'Let's bring in Wealth first, for wealth in life is very important to me.' The woman answered, 'No husband. I would like to have Success to come in first. For Success in life is more important than wealth.' Their little daughter heard all of that was being said and called out loudly to her parents and the three wise men, 'LOVE. We need more love in our family. Please Mummy. Please Daddy. Please bring in Love first.' So the woman opened the door widely to invite Love to come in the house. Surprisingly, the other two, Success and Wealth followed through the door. Not understanding, the woman asked Love, 'Success told me that you only come in one at a time, so why do you now all come into the house together?' Love answered, 'if you had chosen Success to come in first, he would have come in alone and if your choice was Wealth, he also would have walked in alone. However, because you chose Love to come into your house first, so come the other two. For wherever Love goes, Success and Wealth will follow.'


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