

05月22日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[16跪求各位师兄师姐帮我用英文翻译下小弟在此谢谢了]C) enterprises to improve the management system, a sound business solutions In anti-dumping complaints, regarding the damage that the initiative lies in the han...+阅读


听到火情警报如需撤离时 When fire alarm goes off, please evacuate from your room. 请携带您房间的门卡,谨慎行动。 Take your room key card with you and act with caution. 开门全请先以手掌探门和门把,如门把很烫或感觉异样,请不要开门;如温度正常,小心开门,但必要时请立即把房门关上。 Carefully touch the door and the door knob to gauge the temperature. If the temperature is too high, DO NOT open the door. Otherwise, open it with caution, exit the door, and close it behind you immediately. 楼道内有烟雾时,尽量将身体贴近地面。 If there is smoke in the hallway, keep your body lowered as close to the floor as possible. 必要时尽可能用手和膝爬行。前往最近的紧急出口。 Crawl on the floor if you can towards the nearest emergency exit. 千万不要乘坐电梯。 NEVER take the elevator. 火灾中,多数致命的原因不时来自燃烧本身,而是由于吸入大量的烟雾和有毒气体。

Most fire-related deaths are not actually caused by the fire, but by the inhalation of a large amount of smoke and toxic gas. 如有烟雾,尽可能用湿毛巾捂住口鼻并将身体尽量贴近地面。千万不要使用电梯。 If smoke is detected, keep our body lowered as close to the floor as possible and cover your mouth and nose with a wet towel. NEVER use the elevator. 如必须留在房间内 If you must remain inside your room 不要惊慌,留在房间内仍可设法逃生。 Do not panic. 关掉空调。 Turn off the air-conditioner. 浴缸中注满水(用以水源储备)。 Fill the bath tub with water (as a source of water supply). 电话通知酒店总机您的方位。 Dial the main line and notify about your location. 用湿毛巾和被单塞住门缝及气孔。如仍有烟雾泻入,可用废纸篓从浴缸中取水来淋湿巾以达到隔离之目的。 Seal off any gaps around the door and any air intakes with wet towels or sheets. If smoke still seeps through, obtain water from the bath tub using a trash can, sprinkle water on the towels or the sheets in order to keep the smoke outside. 取下防火窗廉。

Put down the fire curtain. (你是指窗帘?) 如还有烟雾进入房间,可用湿毛毯包裹头部。 If smoke continues to enter the room, wrap your head with a wet blanket. 若室内烟雾浓密,可用椅子或抽屉将玻璃击碎。切记当底层的火势蔓延至窗外时,千万不要开启或击碎窗户。 If smoke accumulates in the room, break the window with a chair or a drawer. You must NEVER open or break the window if the flames at the bottom of the floor have spread outside the window.


都是孩子们微笑的样子。他们甚至知道火车在什么时候经过他们的家园。他们站在铁路沿线做自己的生意。素昧平生的波常常鼓励他们全家冲向槟城。。我很受震动。 我一直乘飞机或汽车来马来西亚。这次,是我第一次坐火车来。其实我并不特别有兴趣。长途旅行前带了一打电子杂志,读了又读。我环视了火车厢内。没有一个熟悉的面孔。我叹了口气,然后坐下来读我的【经济学】。不多久,火车穿过马来西亚的铜锣。【新山东麽?】,只不过仿佛另外一个城市,如新加坡。因为看着那成群的人,他们匆忙的过去,所以,我实在是太累了。当我们出了这个城市,我看了一排排直直的胶树和绵延几英里的绿色。然后第一个村庄映入眼帘,我立刻就兴奋了,我决定做客波黑。从那时起我的旅行变得有趣。



你写了这么多 肯定写了很久把 呵: 案文中所挑选的产量是格式化的软件控制下。这包括围绕这包括围绕,左和右的理据,以及横向和纵向间隔就了一页。在传统的文本编制,有38 %的所有拷贝进入废纸篓,因为打字错误。紧张情绪一打字员的感觉,特别是接近尾声的一个网页的时候,一个错误将需要输入口令整个页面,是消除在文字处理,因为改正,可以取得一信,一个字,一条线,或一个段落的时候,后一页是打字,文字处理机,使所有必要的格式调整,自动更正。插入deflations也可以演出很容易由一个指挥部。一本字典储存在记忆体单元,可参照迅速检查,检查拼写和音节分割。 文本储存在内存中,一旦剪辑,复制,没有错,一个巨大的储蓄与传统的打字每个retyped复制是受错误。



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