

05月22日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[道歉信怎么写?给老师的!]L老师: 对不起!我知道自己很对不起您,您当初对我那么好。而我.... 对不起。我也忘了,当初我们怎么弄的那么僵,也许,是因为您跟XX发生纠纷后,我们就弄的很僵了。是我的错。那时,每天...+阅读


Dear Miss Li (没结婚的女老师 Li 表示姓李) Mrs Li(已婚女士)Mr Li(男士), 后面有个逗号,这三个不要一起用,根据老师的性别和身份用,不知道就直接写 teacher 加逗号, I really avail myself of this great opportunity to write this letter to you to expess my guilt of writing those terrible notes to speak evil of you. I know these words must have hurted you so much. It 's simmply that we are too impulsive and even too young to distinguish ringt from wrong. So, I beg your forgiveness. Since the Chinese saying goes, it's no use crying for the spilt water. However, I am so compunctious and I konw even if I say sorry, these evil words are still there. The only thing I can do is to promise you that I will never ever do this terrible things again. And please forgive my bad manner. Wish you all the best, Yours sincerely, 你名字的拼音 如: Li Wang(王丽)It 's simmply that we are too impulsive and even too young to distinguish ringt from wrong. 这句改成:It 's simmply that we were too impulsive and even too young to distinguish ringt from wrong.


敬爱的老师们,亲爱的同学们,大家早上好! 首先,由于我们要浪费大家时间听我们的道歉信想大家表示深切的歉意。通过老师的批评教育,我们已深刻的认识到自己的错误十分严重,特此向大家公开致歉,希望得到大家的原谅。我们几个同学都一致认为,不上多媒体课,耽误了自身的学习,对自己是一种损失,但这并不算什么大错,因为重点不在这里;问题的关键在于,不上多媒体课,影响了老师的教学组织安排,破坏了应有的课堂纪律,给老师带来了很多不必要的麻烦,但这虽然是错误的关键,但也不是最关键之处;不上多媒体课,最关键的错误是,给同学们造成了不好的影响,一个原因,刚才已经说过,就是耽误大家时间;另外一个原因,给同学们树立了不好的榜样。

在此真的想跟同学们说声,sorry 最后,我想对细心教育我们的老师说一声,请以后不要再大题小作,耽误没犯错同学的时间了,我在这里替同学们跟您说一声,谢谢。 谢谢大家,演讲到此结束,下课!


Dear 某某teacher:Hello.Holiday, the teacher should not disturb your leisure time, perhaps because of the guilt and the harm to you deeply worried, could not help or knocking on the keyboard, to you for my childish and impulse to extend my most sincere apologies: sorry, X teacher. Please don't be ignorant persons behavior and angry, I will pray in my heart that the pious, and X teacher forever keep a sense of humor, kind and heavy smile.Home two days, my parents and I talk all night, I am alone figure, read a lot about respecting teachers, doing things, is the philosophical essay, makes me feel alert and relieved, heart understand and thought blocking completely smooth, from the bottom of my heart feeling ashamed and remorse. Want to come now, mobile phone thing, was not worth mentioning, solution and far more than one or two, as long as a little consideration, he won't choose so bad and stupid, I am not parenting behavior and despise myself, I'm ashamed of my parents and teach, more let x teacher you for the love and encouragement, now things have happened, I don't find any reason to justify himself, wrong is wrong, I am willing to accept any punishment, please x teachers believe that I can bear everything.The ancients cloud: "to learn is to respect teachers, the thing in Judah." Review of two years of life, your every love is still fresh, lose your love, I feel lonely and helpless, I know, to my fault, for the teacher understanding too, but I will start from now, from start to finish homework carefully, proved my repentance, look forward to x teacher give me a chance ... ...


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