As the new term is around the corner ,how to arrange my dailylif schedule is putting in front of me. In the coming new year ,i am determined to get rid of the bad habit ,such as getting up late,skipping breakfast.Concretely speaking, at first i should not go to bed late and stick to get up early, and then stive to improve myself,not in the aspect of study,but in the life. At last ,i decide to get along with my classmates and in the daily life listen to my parents as much as possible.
Agenda 1. Tour around city ( Park, the Bond, Culture Wall) 2. Visit the No. 2 Middle School 3. Visit the Administration Building 4. Welcoming Banquet by the Municipal Education Bureau 5. Classroom visit, campus tour 6. Welcoming Ceremony on Playground (Flag rising and gift giving) 7. Meeting with school leaders for information of the school 8. Visit traditional skill classes 9. Cocktail party by the school (in the dining hall) 10. Tour around Downtown (Antique street, street of local snacks), lunch in downtown Shanghai 11. Accommodation by the Foreign Affairs Service Center 12. Shopping, lunch 13. Visit the Guangzhou Road Primary School, discussion with teachers and students 14. Visit Tianjin Binhai College, fishing 15. Lunch for American faculty 16. Visit bonded zone and development zone (library, museum and kite-flying) 17. Dinner at hotel 18. Leave for Beijing 这是我平生所见最为粗糙的日程安排。
AM 7:00 - AM 9:00 记忆力比较好,可以背单词和语法中的难记的部分。用零碎时间即可,不要贪多。要细水长流。AM 9:00 - AM 12:00 读写训练配合语法练习题。上午的时间用来做需要逻辑推理能力的事情。AM 12:00 - PM 2:00 午睡状态期。回忆早上背诵的单词和昨天晚上听力练习的时候不太得意的一些字词句。有精力的话,读读英语小短文,看看英语电影均可。PM 2:00 - PM 4:00 语法研习期。用来系统地学习和练习语法知识。争取在4点疲劳来袭之前,做好当天的语法计划。PM 4:00 - PM 6:00 单词回忆期。在记忆曲线的可怕斜率发生作用之前,巩固当天的单词。PM 6:00-PM8:00 此时学学数学比较好。但是硬要学英语的话,可以做做模拟题,这个时间段,可以对自己狠一些。想着落下的夕阳,想到即将度过的一天时光,这种心理可以督促自己提高做题速度,此时效率最高。
甚至可以练习口译。PM 8:00 - PM 10:00 穿插一些轻松的内容。自由支配。此时随手翻翻英语读物,调节心情。同时,总结刚刚做好的模拟题或者是练习题的得失。同时拟定第二天的详尽计划。PM 10:00 - PM 12:00听夜深人静,但困意渐浓。此时用来练习听力最佳。听写短文短语。一般以5到8分钟的短文为佳。以上是周一到周五的计划。周六周日则适当推迟起床时间,看英语电影、电视剧。通过背诵经典台词来放松自己,同时提高听力和口语水平。
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