

06月01日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[庆祝新年的英文诗歌]'Twas the Night Before Christmas By Debra Coe 'Twas the night before Christmas and all through the house Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse The stock...+阅读


Time into a new Chronology 一年又一年,心依旧,四季如风 Year after year, the heart remains the same, the four seasons such as wind 我一如既往地怀念着往事,向往着未来 I always remember the past, looking to the future 什么都遗忘了,春天的新绿和夏天的急雨 What is forgotten, spring green and the pelting rain in summer 灿烂的花朵也如我的青春岁月 Brilliant flowers, as I have years of youth 重叠着我的往昔,你的未来 Overlap with my past, your future 远去的光阴是奔涌的河水,流去多少华年 Away of Our Time is a surging river, stream and how much Chinese Year 元月伊始,又一个春夏秋冬的轮回 The beginning of January, another cycle of spring, summer, autumn and winter 钟声敲响,我找不到岁月的起跑线 The bell rang, I can not find the starting line of the years 重复也仅仅是年复一年的节日庆典 Were merely repeat year after year, festivals 风霜浓缩为盐,在世世代代的血脉中传承 Wind and frost as salt concentration, in the tradition of generations of blood vessels 新年狂欢,也如孩子一样满怀期盼 New Year's carnival, but also the same as a child full of hope 笑容如花朵绽放,踏上希望的征途 Smile, such as flowers bloom, embark on the journey of hope 雪是丰年的寄托,融化成甘美的泉水 Snow is a good harvest sustenance, melted into a luscious spring 流过心灵的荒原,汇聚江河 Flow through the heart of the wilderness, rivers convergence 春去春又来,渐行渐远是流年的簿子 The spring has gone again, the wave is a fleeting time of the notebook 文化的积淀是财富,是历史的厚重 The accumulation of cultural wealth, history of heavy 攀援在苍穹的古树上,枯枝挂满新绿 Climbing the trees in the sky, the dead branches covered with green 用辛勤的劳动添满岁月,和时光同行 Fill up with years of hard labor, and time peer


Time into a new Chronology

一年又一年,心依旧,四季如风 Year after year, the heart remains the same, the four seasons such as wind

我一如既往地怀念着往事,向往着未来 I always remember the past, looking to the future

什么都遗忘了,春天的新绿和夏天的急雨 What is forgotten, spring green and the pelting rain in summer

灿烂的花朵也如我的青春岁月 Brilliant flowers, as I have years of youth

重叠着我的往昔,你的未来 Overlap with my past, your future

远去的光阴是奔涌的河水,流去多少华年 Away of Our Time is a surging river, stream and how much Chinese Year

元月伊始,又一个春夏秋冬的轮回 The beginning of January, another cycle of spring, summer, autumn and winter

钟声敲响,我找不到岁月的起跑线 The bell rang, I can not find the starting line of the years

重复也仅仅是年复一年的节日庆典 Were merely repeat year after year, festivals

风霜浓缩为盐,在世世代代的血脉中传承 Wind and frost as salt concentration, in the tradition of generations of blood vessels

新年狂欢,也如孩子一样满怀期盼 New Year's carnival, but also the same as a child full of hope

笑容如花朵绽放,踏上希望的征途 Smile, such as flowers bloom, embark on the journey of hope

雪是丰年的寄托,融化成甘美的泉水 Snow is a good harvest sustenance, melted into a luscious spring

流过心灵的荒原,汇聚江河 Flow through the heart of the wilderness, rivers convergence

春去春又来,渐行渐远是流年的簿子 The spring has gone again, the wave is a fleeting time of the notebook

文化的积淀是财富,是历史的厚重 The accumulation of cultural wealth, history of heavy

攀援在苍穹的古树上,枯枝挂满新绿 Climbing the trees in the sky, the dead branches covered with green

用辛勤的劳动添满岁月,和时光同行 Fill up with years of hard labor, and time peer


1、新年的第一天,我在默默地为您祝福,愿您的生活中:春满园,夏宜人,秋收获,冬温暖。 On the first day of the new year,I wish you a happy life silently:summer is pleasant; winter is warm, autumn is haruest and spring is delightfut.

2、浓浓情谊,深深祝福,绵绵怀念,切切问候。愿你佳节快乐,健康如意。 Sincere love blessings , missings and regards.I wish you a happy New Year and a healthy life.



Blessings in the bottom of my heart come to you when I look back many times I wish you a happy new year and everything will turn out as you wish.


Good luck, good health, good cheer.I wish you a hapy New Year.


On the first day of the new year,I wish you a happy life silently:summer is pleasant; winter is warm, autumn is haruest and spring is delightfut.


Sincere love blessings , missings and regards.I wish you a happy New Year and a healthy life.


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