

06月07日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[退出用英语怎么说前进后退用英语怎么说啊]前进 [qián jìn] 1。 to advance 2。 onward 3。 to go forward 4。 to forge ahead 相关解释: advancing, go ahead (and do), move forward, make way, progression, adv...+阅读


输赢的英文: losses and gains; defeat or victory ;bunko


Who can guess the outcome of a game of chess? 一局输赢料不真。

To win is not the ultimate aim in a contest. 比赛的输赢不是最终目的。

The crowd refused to interfere and let the two men fight it out 群众不予干涉,让这两个人打个输赢。

Fill in a football coupon,ie for a football pool competition 填写足球比赛的彩票(赌足球比赛的输赢).

The two teams are evenly matched, and It's hard to say who will win. 两队实力势均力敌,输赢一时难说。


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