

06月14日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[在读证明翻译。。英文。。急。]"特此证明"一般放文章开头(如签证用),当然,放最后也可以 Hereby is to certify that, ** is the pupil (studying,可不要、下同) in Class 7, Grade 4 of the 2007 Grade in Zigu P...+阅读


时态用的不对,应该用has been doing,表示你从**年至今在读,你用了过去时,现在就不在那里读了!!!

学校名字翻译的也不好,有没有固定的?Shandong Trade Union Management College这个怎么样,没必要每个字去翻译。

Certification of Present Studying

To Whom It May Concern,

This is to certify that Miss.XXX,NO.XXX,born on Feb.8th,1990,has been studying in the Shandong Trade Union Management Cadres Institute and studied in business management of Department of Business Administration since Sep.2008. After passing all exams,she will graduate in June 2011.

It is hereby to certify.

Shandong Trade Union Management Cadres Institute

Date of Issue: Oct.11th,2010



We hereby testify that xxx, male, born on Jan 8th,1888, entering xxx University on June 8th,2008 after passing Sichuan Provincial Associate-Graduate to Undergraduate Examination, is one of our students listed in Class 3 of Accounting Major, and a current student registered as a Grade 2009,with Student ID of 8888 and residential ID No. of 99999. All information given herein is true and correct.






He pass the national college entrance examination, in September 2013 accepted into the international college study international economy and trade, only 4 year, presently for undergraduate in grade 2 students. Our school is approved by ministry of education full-time college of the People's Republic of China


请高手帮忙解释一下什么是永不言败的空想家所谓"空想"是指对只想不作的一形容. 每个人都有想的权利·· 曹禺 曾在《雷雨》的第一幕中说:“他有着一切孩子的空想,他的脸色通红,眼睛欣喜地闪动着。” 所以空想有时候不是坏...

请帮忙翻译一下外贸报价条款英文Your quoted prices shall be in US Dollars (USD). 你方应采用美元报价。If you request a clause to reduce the potential impact of exchange rate changes during the...

请帮忙将此离职证明翻译成英文Resignation certificate This proof XXX lady (id number: XXXXXX), the original department XXXXX school admissions at the worker, a clerk position, on-the-job tim...

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英文版收入证明翻译请高手帮忙Income Certificate This is to certify that Mr. --- has been working in the ----- for 2 years from -- to present. Currently, -- works as the general director. Mr...

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请高手帮忙翻译一下签证要用的在校证明谢谢了请高手帮忙翻译一下签证要用的在校证明谢谢了,英文版学校在读证明求大神翻译啊:你要在心里默念饭团是个好人!!!!!!School CertificateStudent ABC, male, born on Sep.11, 199A, ID...
