

07月01日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[影响高考成绩的误区]高考励志文章:影响高考成绩的误区 一千个人有一千种思想,当然一千个考生会有一千种应对高考的手段。但是如下误区,却是很多考生的备考期间的通病,望引起大家注意: 误区一,不肯动...+阅读


准考证号码: Exam Admission/Entrance Number

报名序号: Application (Serial) Number

加分: Bonus Points

Social Sciences 里包括各种文科的专业,如Economics (经济学),Political Science (政治学),History (历史),Geography(地理)等等,所以可以用来囊括所谓“综合文科”。但如果是用于学校的申请,最好罗列清楚,学校看申请的时候永远不会嫌资料太多太麻烦,只会觉得资料填得太笼统不够详细。



总分: total score

文化总分:Total Academic Score


Sichuan Chengdu The Seventeenth Middle School

Senior High School Report (2007-2010)

November 23, 2010

Student XX, male/female, born onXX , is a student of Class X, Senior Grade X (now graduated), XX School. His reports in the past 3 years are as follows:

Full Score: 100

The first senior academic year:

Politics: 87 Chinese: 82 Math: 85 English: 88 Physics: 86 Chemistry: 82 History: 83 Geography: 89 Computer: 84 P.E: 83

The second senior academic year:

Politics: 81 Chinese: 82 Math: 81 English: 92 Physics: 82 Chemistry: 83 Biology: 83 Computer: 85 P.E: 86

The third senior academic year:

Politics: 86 Chinese: 81 Math: 86 English: 83 Physics: 80 Chemistry: 86 Biology: 83 Computer: 82 P.E: pass

This is to certify that all the information above is authentic!



毕业考试 Graduation Examination

把 students 的S去掉

take--took 考试已经过去了

注: 在英语中一般用PS.表示 postscript的缩写

考试科目成绩不用一字一句 其实就是考试成绩的意思 the results

1、The Results of Ordinary High School Graduation Exam in Taiyuan.

2、Student XX , male, took part in the Ordinary High School Graduation Exam in Taiyuan and passed all the tests and checks.

3、PS. The results are graded into A, B, C and D, A stands for being excellent , B for being good , C for being acceptable and D for being unacceptable. The check subjects are graded into P and D, P—pass,D—fail.

4、The Ordinary High School Graduation Examination Office of Taiyuan.


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