

07月16日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[关于网络购物优点的英语短文100词左右]我来回答,is being more and more popular.More and more people are using the internet to buy somethings.Why do people use the internet to shop?Some people say that...+阅读


The domitory I live in faces south, it's small and have eight students, so it looks crowded. However, all of us like it very much, we keep it tidy,neat and clean.

The domitory has a small door but a big window. so, it's bright. Besides we have a stand for basins, a bookshel, a bunk and a writing desk in the domitory, it looks like home and makes us feel comfortable.


online game一些内容参考了:)~The Internet exerts a peculiar fascination on a great many people. Both the old and the youth can enjoy the civilized comforts which modern science brings to us. It really adds color to the dull routine of everyday life.There is no doubt that for the youth online game is an important tool for study. Nothing can be compared with its convenient operation, high speed and varied information resources. As long as you click what you need, you'll get a large number of information picked out in such a short time. Besides outputting the information, at the same time, yon can input your own works and send them to the Internet. No one can avoid being influenced by modern science and technology. Maybe we can use our intelligence to make more discoveries and create more inventions aiming at influencing more people....


With the information age ushered in, the Internet has become a household name and assumed an increasingly pivotal role in everyday life, as partially manifested in the tendency that a growing number of undergraduates are resorting to it as a powerful tool in their study. Take for instance the abundance of its useful applications like GOOGLE the search engine, through the help of which one enjoys, at a simple click, easy and convenient access to an almost unlimited reservoir of information that would have taken an extra amount of time and energy to acquire before the invention of the Internet. Another application that greatly contributes to people's communication is the real-time chat software such as QQ & MSN, which enables students to exchange ideas with their peers and teachers in a concurrent manner, achieving efficient communication. Like a double-edged sword, however, the Internet also goes with its disadvantages, one of the biggest of which is its being highly addictive with some very entertaining options available to a student armed with a connected computer. Students thus addicted tend to indulge themselves with such virtual amusements and end up seeing their academic performance compromised. Nowadays it is no longer rare to hear a parent complain in front of a camera about how the Internet has degraded his or her young one to a poor student in school. The fact that a powerful tool like the Internet goes with some disadvantages means in no way it is to be terminated. On the contrary, it is to be realized that despite the potential drawbacks, advantages prevail, serving to make our life easy, comfortable, and convenient. Priority shall be given to coming up with a strategy that can help people make better use of the Internet and reduce the possibility of the youth getting addicted, instead of issuing orders to ban the use of computers or block the access to the Internet completely.



One possible version

My classmates and I took part in a wildness survival program from July 10th to July 13th this summer.

Before we started, we were equipped with a compass, a map, a first-aid kit, tents, flashlights, some

food, some clothes and so on. On the way we climbed three hills and swam across two rivers. We lost

our way in the forest. Luckily we found the right direction with the compass. As soon as we arrived at the campsite, we put up our tents, made a fire and then started cooking. We also learned how to five first-aid.

Through the program, we learned to use knowledge gained in class to solve problems. It was quite an

unforgettable experience for me.


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