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[加菲猫经典语录]加菲猫经典语录 1、嘘——千万不要告诉他们我做了好事,这会影响我的形象的! 2、你竟然带了一个又老又没用的家伙回来,而且不是我。 3、爱情来得快去得也快,只有猪肉卷...+阅读




[ Ringing ] - Huh?

What the--Aw..


[ GrOans ]

I hate MOndays.

[ Yawning ]

POOky, cOver me. I'm gOin' in.

Alley-- oop!

B-b-b-b-b-bah, ha!

[ SingsOng ] Oh, Sleeping Beauty, wake up.

YOu can stOp dreaming abOut me because I'm here.


NOw,just wake up. YOu've gOt wOrk tO dO.

YOu're nOt just my Owner, yOu're my primary caregiver.

- NOw be a-- - NOt nOw, Garfield.

Get-- A-Ah-- Just-- All right.

Cut the sweet stuff. Easy nOw.Just--

Trying tO cuddle with me, huh?

Trying tO avOid yOur duties, huh?

Well, that just ain't gOnna... fly!


Oh! Oh, liver!

- [ Spitting ] - Well, actually, it's liver flavOred.

[ Sighs ] That was a gOOd breakfast.

NOw I think I'll just fall Offthe "Catkin's" diet...

and get myself a little high-fat chaser.


Garfield, lOOk, the milk truck. - Oh, attabOy, Nermal.

- The milk truck cOmes every day. - Yeah, but maybe nOt tOday.

Maybe it's changing routes. Maybe this'll be the last w.e'll eversee ofit.

COme On. It's just acrOss the street. We're cats. We like milk.

- Let's gO fOr it. - NO.

- But, yOu--- - But nOthin'.

I dOn't leave the cul-de-sac fOr anything.

Out there, it's a hOrnet's nest OftrOuble.

Bad things happen Out there. SO I dOn't gO Out there.

Besides, I've found ifyou w.ait long enough...

everything comes toyou.


LOuis, what areyOu dOing in the hOusewhen JOn's hOme?

SOrry, Garfield, man. I cOuldn't help it.

LOOk, when he sees yOu, he expects mOre frOm me. DOn'tyOu get that?

JOn's gOt thOse macadamia nut cOOkies. I'm trying tO maintain.

- You understand? - Sure. As lOng as yOu understand I have tO eatyOu.



1, hush - do not tell them that I have done a good thing, it will affect my image!

2, you have to bring a use was not any old guy to come back, but not me.

4, be able to eat today, and never to leave tomorrow.

5, audio, we eat ice cream bar, but you have to eat at me.

6, I should be courteous to the audio. - (Playing the audio kicked) - Sorry, I audio. Now, I did.

7, I can not let the chicken only in my name to write back.

8, the hamburgers taste good, but not before a good eight.

9, audio, go, we have to buy a hamburger or nine when the dinner.

10, the stomach is not big terrible, terrible stomach is not a good thing.

11, with pasta, who would then Chilao Shu?

12, "audierne Sese shivering in the cold outside the window, really poor. I really do, he Burenxinkan. No, how could I be able to sit idly by? I have to do something about it." Jiafei La on the curtain. 13, you can leave the kitten meat pie, meat pie, but should not be allowed to leave the kitten.

14, if you do not want to eat and to whom, it must think of something.

15, the chocolate is: Do you eat it, and it has not.

16, the most lovely thing is a small volume of pork placed on the table.

17, (deep-like ... ...) - I am dreaming it? - (Themselves into the "bed" before the quilt off ... ...) yard was not me, not sleep ...

18 ... that there are a lot of money is more important than things, such as pasta. 19, weight gain can not let this campaign be really good fun.




It's a way of life,a state of being man's one perfect achievement. What did the Indians serve to the Pilgrims?Lasagna. What did Marie Antoinette scream to the rabble?"Let them eat lasagna." What did Neil Armstrong say when he landed on the moon?"That's one small slice of lasagna." It's not a dish.It's the stuff of dreams.It's the food of gods.It's what for lunch.


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