

07月18日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[8年级上册期末如何复习]答案:我一向在我给我的学生说怎么学习数学的时候,我的方法是先把书上的概念整懂,然后就是把书上的额例题看会,最后就是多做点卷子之类的东西。 其实我们在学习数学的时候,很多人...+阅读


Hi Jim,

Thanks for inviting me to your home .But I'm sorry I can' visit you this weekend. In the morning,

I have to get up early to meet my aunt at the train station.She is coming to see my grandma in the thrre Gorges .In the afternoon,I have to see my friend,she is ill.So I have to look after her .

I hope you have a good time.

Your firend,



今天我得了一场重感冒,我感觉头很疼,妈妈提醒我应该按时吃感冒药。感冒的感觉很不好,后来因为很重去点滴,耽误了一天的课,当我回家的时候,妈妈又告诉我要好好休息。 (这是中文) Today, I got a bad cold, I feel headache, my mother reminded me to eat cold medicines should be on time. Feeling very bad cold, and later because of heavy to go bit by bit, delayed the day of class, when I come home, my mother also told me to take good rest. (这是英语)


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