
B What U Wanna gt的歌词要完整一点的!

07月18日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[牛b个性签名]牛b个性签名 1、跌倒了,爬起来再哭。 2、我一生只不会两件事:这也不会,那也不会。 3、再牛B的肖邦,也谈不出老子的悲伤! 4、你有权保持沉默,但你所说的每一句话都将成为遗言。 5、...+阅读

B What U Wanna gt的歌词要完整一点的!

doctor' actor' lawyer or a singer why not president' be a dreamer you can be just the one you wanna be police man' fire fighter or a post man why not something like your old man you can be just the one you wanna be doctor' actor' lawyer or a singer why not president' be a dreamer you can be just the one you wanna be i know that we all got one thing that we all share together we got that one nice dream we live for you never know what life could bring coz nothing last for ever just hold on to the team you play for i know you could reach the top make sure that you won't stop be the one that you wanna be now sing this with me doctor' actor' lawyer or a singer why not president' be a dreamer you can be just the one you wanna be police man' fire fighter or a post man why not something like your old man you can be just the one you wanna be we may have different ways to think but it doesn't really matter we all caught up in the steam of this life focus on every little thing that's what does really matter luxury cars and bling thats not real life i know you could reach the top make sure that you won't stop be the one that you wanna be now sing this with me doctor' actor' lawyer or a singer why not president' be a dreamer you can be just the one you wanna be police man' fire fighter or a post man why not something like your old man you can be just the one you wanna be last year i used to dream about this day now i'm here i'm singing for you i hope i could inspire you coz i've got all the love' coz i've got all love for you doctor' actor' lawyer or a singer why not president' be a dreamer you can be just the one you wanna be police man' fire fighter or a post man why not something like your old man you can be just the one you wanna be doctor' actor' lawyer or a singer why not president' be a dreamer you can be just the one you wanna be police man' fire fighter or a post man why not something like your old man you can be just the one you wanna be doctor' actor' lawyer or a singer why not president' be a dreamer you can be just the one you wanna be police man' fire fighter or a post man why not something like your old man you can be just the one you wanna be 本站歌词来自互联网


说学逗唱为相声的基本功。说:能说绕口令,贯口,会念定场诗,数来宝等。学:能学各省方言,各种地方戏曲,曲艺,流行歌曲,大小买卖的吆喝,学口技等。逗:会说单口,能逗哏,能捧哏,能泥封,会双簧(前脸,后身)等。唱:会唱太平歌词,开场小唱。 罗荣寿在《相声表演漫 谈》中指出:相声中说、学、逗、唱这四门口技,就是模仿曲艺信角鼓里的特点。这个曲种从它的形成上讲,是以唱为主,以说当先。不管它是学,或者是唱,在它的正题开始之前总是先说一个铺场的小段,说完之后才进入正题,所以它占有说字。它的学是双学一人,名为双簧。前面也使铺场小段,学是主科。逗是用熟练的艺术语言技巧,引出丰富多彩的幽默笑料。唱是它能唱出各地不同的各种曲调。



蔡旻佑 - 你看不到的天空 作曲:李荣浩 作词:徐世珍 好像飘浮了很久 自从那天你放开了手 应该是两个人来的港口 我一个人在虚拟温柔 用你的目光看海 可乐冰痛了我的指头 幸福又快乐的地球人 不断从我的身边经过 对你还能怎麽说 能怎麽做 做什麽也都不够 插在口袋中 是没有人来握住的手 我的表情并不多 心也不痛 我只不过是不懂 世界在热闹什麽 我在你看不到的天空 看着灿烂的烟火 这城市孤单的人只有我 没有谁在乎 谁跟谁分手 每个时钟都继续转动 许下你听不到的承诺 流星怎麽不坠落 在倒数声中我剩下什麽 没有谁甘心 对回忆爱不释手 但我无力对抗 这整个世界的寂寞 用你的目光看海 可乐冰痛了我的指头 幸福又快乐的地球人 不断从我的身边经过 对你还能怎麽说 能怎麽做 做什麽也都不够 插在口袋中 是没有人来握住的手 我的表情并不多 心也不痛 我只不过是不懂 世界在热闹什麽 我在你看不到的天空 看着灿烂的烟火 这城市孤单的人只有我 没有谁在乎 谁跟谁分手 每个时钟都继续转动 许下你听不到的承诺 流星怎麽不坠落 在倒数声中我剩下什麽 没有谁甘心 对回忆爱不释手 但我无力对抗 这整个世界的寂寞 我在你看不到的天空 看着灿烂的烟火 这城市孤单的人只有我 没有谁在乎 谁跟谁分手 每个时钟都继续转动 许下你听不到的承诺 流星怎麽不坠落 在倒数声中我剩下什麽 没有谁甘心 对回忆爱不释手 但我无力对抗 这整个世界的寂寞 我该如何去面对 整个世界的寂寞

Make It Up。Sam Tsui中文版的歌词翻译

Make It Up-Sam Tsui 使山姆咀 I make it up as I go 我让它去 I make it up as I go 我让它去 Does it look like I've got everything under control? 我看起来一切都得到控制了吗? I'm good at faking it 我擅长伪造它 The ice is getting thin but I'm the only one who knows 冰变薄,但我是唯一一个知道 I'm only making it up 我只是做了 On the way, 在路上, Just play it cool and take it day by day 只是冷静地采取它每天 Do what I can and if they ask me, I say, 我可以做什么,如果他们问我,我说, Hey no big deal, I got it all worked out 嘿,没什么大不了的,我得到了一切工作的出 I've got a little confession 我有一个小小的忏悔 I don't know what I'm doing 我都不知道自己在做什么 But if you want, you can play along 如果你想,你可以玩 Maybe I'll wake 也许我会醒来 To find that I went and blew it 发现我搞砸了 But 'til I do, I'll keep going strong 但直到我做,我会继续走强 I make it up as I go, oh oh oh 我把它当我走了,哦哦哦 I make it up as I go, oh oh oh 我把它当我走了,哦哦哦 Still haven't gotten it wrong 还没理解错了 Don't got no master plan, I don't got nothing at all 没有主人的计划,我没有什么都没有 Please don't think less of me 请不要看不起我 The chips are in the air, I cross my fingers when they fall 该芯片是在空中,我过我的手指落下时 And make the best of each 让对方最好的 Hand I get played, 一方面我得到了, Stay on my toes and take it day by day 呆在我的脚趾采取它每天 Do what I can and if they ask me, I say, 我可以做什么,如果他们问我,我说, Hey no big deal, I got it all worked out 嘿,没什么大不了的,我得到了一切工作的出 I've got a little confession 我有一个小小的忏悔 I don't know what I'm doing 我都不知道自己在做什么 But if you want, you can play along 如果你想,你可以玩 Maybe I'll wake 也许我会醒来 To find that I went and blew it 发现我搞砸了 But 'til I do, I'll keep going strong 但直到我做,我会继续走强 I make it up as I go, oh oh oh 我把它当我走了,哦哦哦 I make it up as I go, oh oh oh 我把它当我走了,哦哦哦 Still haven't gotten it wrong 还没理解错了 And I won't stop 'til I can 我不会停止,直到我能 See the dead end with my own eyes 我用自己的眼睛看到尽头 I've got a lot to prove, oh 我有很多证明,哦 And if I do get stuck, 如果我真的被卡住, I'll just wait for better luck 我会等待更好的运气 And if it never comes, I'll make it up 如果它永远不会到来,我会让它 I've got a little confession 我有一个小小的忏悔 I don't know what I'm doing 我都不知道自己在做什么 But if you want, you can play along 如果你想,你可以玩 Maybe I'll wake 也许我会醒来 To find that I went and blew it 发现我搞砸了 But 'til I do, I'll keep going strong 但直到我做,我会继续走强 I make it up as I go, oh oh oh 我把它当我走了,哦哦哦 I make it up as I go, oh oh oh 我把它当我走了,哦哦哦 Still haven't gotten it wrong, 还没理解错了, Going strong, I make it up, make it up 要坚强,我使它,使它 I make it up as I go, oh oh oh 我把它当我走了,哦哦哦 I make it up as I go, oh oh oh 我把它当我走了,哦哦哦 Still haven't gotten it wrong 还没理解错了



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