

07月19日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[护士的执业证怎么注册]申请护士执业注册,应当具备下列条件: (一)具有完全民事行为能力; (二)在中等职业学校、高等学校完成教育部和卫生部规定的普通全日制3年以上的护理、助产专业课程学习,包括在教学、...+阅读



(1)缺口大《“十三五”国家药品安全规划》“十三五”国家药品安全规划》确认执业药师服务水平显著提高的发展目标,到2020年,每万人口执业药师数超过4人,所有零售药店主要管理者具备执业药师资格、营业时有执业药师指导合理用药。 根据执业药师资格认证中心最新数据显示,截至2019年4月底,全国执业药师注册人数为485833人,目前,平均每万人口执业药师人数为5人,离每万人口执业药师数超过4人的目标还有一定的距离。推荐阅读:这些问题在备考执业药师时要避免。

(2)政策趋势好目前执业药师行业趋势一片大好,国家不断推出新政策,要医药行业与时俱进,让百姓用药更安全,更方便。 国家药监局取消36项证明事项,证明事项包括14项“规范性文件设定的证明事项”和24项“部门规章设定的证明事项”,许多证明文件不再要申请人提交,改为网络核查。证明文件涉及到药品生产许可证、执业药师注册证书等诸多方面。(详情请看:国家药监局取消36项证明事项!)执业药师被纳入技术技能人才职业目录,属于准入类专业技术人员职业资格。 取证后可享受继续教育专项附加扣除,即按照取得相关证书的年度,按照每年3600元定额扣除。(详情请看:国家要给有【药师资格证】的人发“红包”了!)执业药师可评职称,多个省份都在推进专业技术职业资格与职称对应制度,目前已有安徽、四川、福建、黑龙江、上海、重庆、海南、广东等地区陆续颁布了专业技术类职业资格与职称对应关系的通知。 专业技术人员取得执业药师职业资格,可以认定其具备主管药师或主管中药师职称,并可作为申报高一级职称的条件。(详情请看:执业药师可以评职称了!)最后至于上海的药师工资是多少的话,这个不好说、毕竟是一个大城市、工资多高还需要去了解行情,总之执业药师的发展前景是非常的棒的!。

一篇关于 Computer的英语周记60字以上!

I don't like playing computer games. There are three reasons. First, I don't like sitting for a long time, especially before a computer screen. I worry about the radiation from the screen. Second, I prefer going outdoors to staying in the room. I can do the sport, enjoy the fresh air outside of the house, instead of playing games inside the house. Last, playing computer games consumes a lot of time. However, I learn nothing from that. I take advantage of the time to study.

以 Computer为题写一篇60字英语周记

Computer and I Mr. Samsung, an excellent computer, is my best friend. He has a big advantage that he works quite fast, which help me a lot. The first time you see him, you must think he is handsome, because he has a cool black outlook. In front of his console, there is a convenient switch. Only if I press the switch slightly, I can always enjoy surfing the Internet immediately. I regularly share a happy hours with Mr. Samsung every Friday evening, Often times I listen to music, chat with friends on the net. Sometimes I use his fashionable telephone to communicate with revenants. But I mainly use the computer to search for information. Thanks to that information, no problem has ever troubled me. However, sometimes Mr. Samsung would get sick. At those occasions, I take care of him as if looked after a patient. No matter how serious the virus is, it's just a piece of cake to me. It just takes me several minutes to kill the virus and then Mr. Samsung will become healthy very soon. Nowadays, Mr. Samsung is not only a good hepler, but also a best friend to me.Mr. SamsungMr. Samsung, who is my best friend, is actually nothing but just a computer. And the best favor he does for me is the speed, which really helps me a lot.I guess you probably feel he is a pretty guy after saw him by your first eye, due to his cool black appearance. But he does his very handy job as well as the convenient switch he has, which can take me to the world of internet. Just slightly torch and I will enjoy it. Regularly, I take my happy time with Mr. Samsung on each Friday evening. Listen to music, chatting with friend, some stuff like that. Especially I like to watch a file on net called 'Revenants' which is my favorite film. But, the most frequently thing I like to do with Mr. Samsung is searching, which make the information very easy to access. Thanks to that, no problem has ever troubled me. However, sometimes Mr. Samsung would get sick, and I have to take my time to look after him, just like he is a real patient. But I guess I am a good doctor as well, I fixed it up from all case of the hurt from virus in just few mins, then Mr. Samsung getting better very soon.From my mind, Mr. Samsung is not only a tool, but is my real best friend.




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