

07月20日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[关于感恩的英语句子]感恩节可以用到这些英语句子:1.I really appreciate it.我很感谢。2.Youre one in a million.你真是个大好人。3.Youre the greatest.你最棒了。称赞对方功劳的谢谢:4.Thanks...+阅读




Thanksgiving [,θæŋks'ɡɪvɪŋ]


n. 感恩,感恩节


Thanksgiving Sale 感恩特惠

on Thanksgiving 在感恩节

Thanksgiving games 感恩节的传统游戏 ; 感恩节游戏

Thanksgiving Education 感恩教育

ThanksGiving Square 感恩广场

Thanksgiving jokes 感恩节英语笑话 ; 感恩节笑话

Thanksgiving Life 我们感恩生命 ; 感恩人生 ; 感恩生命

Holy Thanksgiving 神圣感恩节

Thanksgiving recall 感恩回想


That we all have Thanksgiving dinner together?


As she puts it, “We do see each other for Thanksgiving and some meals.


Such treaties begin with, but soon go far beyond, the jolly exchange of pie at Thanksgiving forcake on birthdays.




每年11月的第四个星期四(The fourth thursday in november)是美国的感恩节(thanksgiving day)。感恩节是美国任命独创的一个古老的节日,也是美国人合家欢聚的日子。感恩节的由来应该追溯到美国历史的发端,在饥寒交迫中幸存,为了感谢上帝和印第安人的真诚帮助,庆祝丰收的日子。由此,庆祝感恩节的习俗代代相传,无论在岩石磷峋的西海岸,还是在风光旖旎的夏威夷,人们几乎以同样的方式庆祝感恩节,感恩节是不论何种信仰,何种民族的美国人都庆祝的传统节日。


我们每个人的生命,自出生起,生命历程就像一条曲线,经历起点,顶点最后滑向终点。这是生命的自然历程,无论是喜是忧是成功还是失败,我们都感谢上天给了我们这一次机会 ,让我们在世上走了一遭。在这历程中伴着我们的是不同成分的感动和纷繁复杂的感情。我们不需抱怨,不需懊悔,不许恼恨,只要拥有一颗感恩的心,就会发现世界原来是那么美好,世间还有那么多美好的情感。




ThanksgivingThank God for giving me such good family,such good teachers,such good friends,such good food,such good place,such good health and so on.I am a lucky man in the world.What a fortunate life I have.Since I was born,my mum took care of me and two of my younger brothers and one sister.At that time,my father was away from home to earn our living,so that mum had to look after four little chiledren on her own.Saddly,I remembered my health was not good which made me easy to get sick when I was a little child.My mum had to bring me along to see the doctor and followed doctor's descritions to feed me with the medicine.Luckily,I was away from sick when I started my primary school.Here,I say,"thank you,my mum".You are one of the great mothers in the world.When I was growing up,teachers,like Mr ? or Mrs?,they taught me how to learn,how to behave.As a growing child or teenager,I got many questions about study or life and I was confused.How lucky I could get the answers from my great teachers.Thank you to my teachers!My classmates,my friends,thank you for being with me all the time.You are ones who make my life full of joy and fun.Remember we went travelling or BBQ or KTV or birthday party or whatever activity together,what a great time we had when we joined together.Thank you so much.Looking around the whole world,there is wars,like Iraqi war,and there is people living in Africa who don't have enough food so that they are easy to get sick or even die.Here I am,I have such peaceful and wonderful place to live,I have plenty food to eat.I have my healthy body.How lucky I am,thank God.I wish people can have good life as I have,or even better life.And I wish all of you enjoy your beautiful life now and in the future.


高兴第一时间为您解答,祝学习进步。如有问题请及时追问,谢谢~~O(∩_∩)O~你的采纳是我前进的动力~~The earth, because the grass gratitude to its life, The sea, because the fish Thanksgiving let it fly, Green leaves, flowers gratitude because it is more beautiful... Even so, our nature should have a thankful heart!小草感恩大地,因为大地给予它生命;鱼儿感恩大海,因为大海让它远行;鲜花感恩绿叶,因为绿叶使它更美......自然界尚且如此,我们人就应该拥有一颗感恩的心!I'm grateful for his parents.When I was sick, they are desperate to carry me to the hospital, and take care of my days and nights, When I had no umbrella, for I brought their umbrellas, When I was sneaking tears, injustice, they use their warm hands as I wiped the tears.They pay for me so much, I can not thank them?When they are tired, I held on a hot cup of tea for them, When they learn about my grades, I occasionally offer me the red testimonials, When they are not happy, I went to comfort them... I know that these are small enough to express his daughter of gratitude, but please you to believe me, I'll do everything. From Joozone.com.我要感恩父母。

当我生病时,是他们不顾一切地把我背到医院,又不分昼夜的照顾我;当我没带雨伞时,是他们为我送来了雨伞;当我受到委屈,暗自流泪时,是他们用自己温暖的手为我擦去了眼泪。他们为我付出了那么多,我怎能不感谢他们呢?当他们劳累时,我为他们捧上一杯热茶;当他们学询问我的学习成绩时,我偶尔献上我红彤彤的奖状;当他们不开心时,我就去安慰他们......我知道这些都是微不足道的,还不足以表达女儿感恩的心,但是,请你们相信我,我会做好每一件事情的。I'm grateful for the teacher.When we make a mistake, the teacher teaches us patience, When we encounter difficulties in learning, is a teacher again tell us, When we grades slipped by, is the language teacher concerns, let us up.Teacher: yes, you are we going to go wrong when we lamps, road, when you make us towards the correct path.New I want to thank you, my life will remember your teachings: do a good for society, the selfless contributions, good for the country, be an upright person!我要感恩老师。

当我们犯了错误时,是老师耐心的教导我们;当我们遇到学习上的困难时,是老师一遍一遍地给我们讲;当我们成绩下滑时,是老师用关切的语言让我们振作起来。老师啊,您真是我们前行的指路灯,当我们走向错误道路时,您让我们从新走向正确道路。我要感谢您,我一生都会记住您的教诲:做一个善良,为社会无私奉献,对国家有益的人,做一个正直的人!Thanksgiving, make ordinary life becomes rich and colorful of boring, Thanksgiving, make people more close to the heart.Thanksgiving is a virtue, let us learn Thanksgiving, with a heart filled with gratitude towards the world, and social returns.感恩,使平凡乏味的生活变得丰富多彩;感恩,使人与人的心灵更加贴近。感恩是一种美德,让我们学会感恩,用一颗感恩的心对待世界,回报社会。

。 ——来自{yh3057}英语牛人团


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