

07月20日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[七分学者气,三分才子气]一个学者胜过一个以色列国王,因为一个学者死了,没有人可以替代他;而如果一个国王死了,所有的以色列人都是合格的人选。 《巴比伦犹太教法典》 事无大小,均有一定当然之理,即事穷理...+阅读


纯属原创,大家都是过来人,知道你的难处。还望笑纳。 (最后有点搞笑的成分) 人物:Rose, I(named Jack). Rose: Hi, Jack. Jack: Hi, Rose. Rose: Long time no see, how are you doing? Jack: I'm doing terribly bad. And how about you? Rose: I'm fine, thank you. But you, what's up? Jack: I just cannot find a agreeable job. The salary offered by those companies are really too low. I've had interview several companies, and they all felt satified to my performance, but when hearing my salary request, they all could not offer. Rose: Almost the same with my situation. The current job market is so stagnant. I'd have to adapt myself to the reality. Jack: I cannot agree with you more. But you know, the salary they offered could even hardly afford my daily consumption.I just feel that's gotdamn crazy. Rose: Hey, Jack, come on. Do you know the current situation of job market? There will be nearly 5 million college graduates nationwide, inclusive of a lot of masters. For my own sake, I gave up my baseline at last. Today, I've just signed a job contract with XX(公司名). Jack: You're really appreciated to remind me. I gotta find a job as soon as possible even with a pretty low salary. Rose: Cheer up, Jack. I don't think it matters to start with a low salary. You know, gold will shine everywhere. I believe you can get a decent job within 3 years as long as you're hard enough. Jack: Thank you very much for your encouragement. Let us make a brilliant future hand in hand... Rose: Hey,Jack. Don't touch me...



Advice From Dad

A young boy and his dad went out fishing one fine morning. After a few quiet hours out in the boat, the boy became curious about the world around him. He looked up at his dad and asked "How do fish breath under water?"

His dad thought about it for a moment, then replied, "I really don't know, son."

The boy sat quietly from another moment, then turned back to his dad and asked, "How does our boat float on the water?"

Once again his dad replied, "Don't know, son."

Pondering his thoughts again, a short while later, the boy asks "Why is the sky blue?"

Again, his dad replied. "Don't know, son."

The inquisitive boy, worried he was annoying his father, asks this time "Dad, do you mind that I'm asking you all of these questions?"

"Of course not son." replied his dad, "How else are you ever going to learn anything?"

英语故事演讲 3分钟

One day, a teacher took his pupils to a chicken farm to pay a visit. When they came near the incubator, chick just got out of its egg shell.


"It's wonderful to see a little thing come out from the egg shell, isn't it?" the teacher said.


"Yes, sir." said one of the boys, " but it would be more wonderful if we knew how a chick gets in to its eggs hell before hand."



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