[古希腊神话人物中英文名字]天神宙斯(Zeus) 天后赫拉(Hera) 海神波塞冬(Poseidon) 冥王哈得斯(Hades) 农神得墨忒耳(Demeter) 战神阿瑞斯(Ares) 智慧女神雅典娜(Athene) 太阳神阿波罗(Apollo) 月亮女神阿耳忒弥斯(Artemi...+阅读
In Greek mythology, the Sirens (Greek singular: ∑ειρήν Seirēn; Greek plural: ∑ειρῆνες Seirēnes) were three dangerous bird-women, portrayed as seductresses, who lived on an island called Sirenum scopuli. In some later, rationalized traditions the literal geography of the "flowery" island of Anthemoessa, or Anthemusa,[1] is fixed: sometimes on Cape Pelorum and at others in the Sirenusian islands near Paestum or in Capreae.[2] All such locations were surrounded by cliffs and rocks. Sailors who sailed near were compelled by the Sirens' enchanting music and voices to shipwreck on the rocky coast. When the Sirens were given a parentage they were considered the daughters of the river god Achelous, fathered upon Terpsichore, Melpomene, Sterope, or Chthon, the Earth, in Euripides' Helen 167, where Helen in her anguish calls upon "Winged maidens, daughters of the Earth". Although they lured mariners, for the Greeks the sirens in their "meadow starred with flowers" were not sea deities. Roman writers linked the Sirens more closely to the sea, as daughters of Phorcys.[3] Their number is variously reported as between two and five: Homer says nothing of their origin or names, but gives the number of the Sirens as two [Odyssey, 12:52]. Later writers mention both their names and number; some state that there were three, Peisinoe, Aglaope, and Thelxiepeia (Tzetzes, ad Lycophron 7l2) or Parthenope, Ligeia, and Leucosia (Eustathius, loc. cit.; Strabo v. §246, 252 ; Servius' commentary on Virgil's Georgics iv. 562). Eustathius (Commentaries §1709) states that they were two, Aglaopheme and Thelxiepeia. Their individual names are variously rendered in the later sources as Thelxiepeia/Thelxiope/Thelxinoe, Molpe, Aglaophonos/Aglaope/Aglaopheme, Pisinoe/Peisinoë/Peisithoe, Parthenope, Ligeia, Leucosia, Raidne, and Teles. The sirens of Greek mythology are sometimes portrayed in later folklore as fully aquatic and mermaid-like; the fact that in Spanish, French, Italian, Polish, Romanian and Portuguese, the word for mermaid is respectively Sirena, Sirène, Sirena, Syrena, Sirenă and Sereia, and that in biology the Sirenians comprise an order of fully aquatic mammals that includes the dugong and manatees, add to the visual confusion, so that sirens are even represented as mermaids, to the extent that Starbucks' heraldic melusine, crowned and displaying her double tail, a creature of the medieval imagination, is officially considered at Starbucks a siren: in 2006, Valerie O'Neil, a Starbucks spokeswoman, said that the logo is an image of a "twin-tailed siren".[4] However, "the sirens, though they sing to mariners, are not sea-maidens," Harrison had cautioned; "they dwell on an island in a flowery meadow."[5]
1 六条吸血鬼戒律——Six Traditions 第一戒律:避世 The First Tradition: The Masquerade 不可对非氏族的人显露自己的面目,否则其他吸血鬼会和你断绝一切关系。 第二戒律:领权 The Second Tradition: The Domain 在自己的领土上,你有着至高无上的权利,任何外来的吸血鬼都要尊重你。 第三戒律:后裔 The Third Tradition: The Progeny 如果你要创造新的吸血鬼,你必须得到尊长的同意。如果你违反此戒条,你和你的后裔都会被处死。 第四戒律:责任 The Fourth Tradition: The Accounting 你所创造的吸血鬼是你的后裔,在他们被让渡之前,你应该在各个方面指导他们。他们的罪要当成自己的来忍耐。 第五戒律:客尊 The Fifth Tradition: Hospitality 吸血鬼应该互相尊重领全,当你到达陌生的土地的时候,应该向当地的长老引荐自己,不得他的批准,你不能做任何事情。
应该互相尊重领权。在你到达一个陌生的城市时,应该向那里的管理者引荐自己。如果没有得到他的批准,你不能在那里做任何事。 第六戒律:杀亲 The Sixth Tradition: Destruction 严禁杀害你的同类,只有长老有猎杀的权利
Dr Heideggers Experiment中文版
海德格医生的试验在霍桑(Hawthorne)的《海德哥医生的试验》(Dr. Heidegger's Experiment)故事里,他便提出一种关于“返老还童水”的怪诞想法。小说里的医生似乎比较像是魔术师而非医师。在某天下午,他将一种能让人重返年轻的神秘饮料提供给他四位满脸皱纹的可敬朋友饮用。这四位德高望重的老人为了能回到过去避开年轻时犯的错误便接受了这种神奇之水。然而当他们在这短暂的午后返回年轻时,他们的智慧及经验也同样返回到年轻时代。霍桑(Hawthorne)描绘他们就像是又再一次犯下他们年轻时的过错。读者在故事结尾可以领悟到“返老还童水”是不存在的,然而医生的四位老友对此深信不疑而再度犯下错误。《海德哥医生的试验》(Dr. Heidegger's Experiment)也显示出霍桑(Hawthorne)艺术的另一面,也就是他对超自然力量很感兴趣。
他虽未曾于他的小说里谈到任何不可思议的力量,然而他却经常以暗示的手法提起。也许读者并不能确定《海德哥医生的试验》(Dr. Heidegger's Experiment)里的“返老还童水”具有神奇魔力,然而医生的四位老友肯定自欺欺人地如次认定。霍桑(Hawthorne)在此与其它著作一样,用物质代表区分现实与梦想。
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