

07月22日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[请以换一种眼光为话题写一篇不少于600字的文章]好! 推荐参考: 换一种眼光 老师在黑板上挂历了一张"画",白纸中画了一个黑色圆点。 "你们看见了什么?"老师问。 全班学生一起回答:"一个黑点。" 教师说:"只说对了极少的一部分,画中最大的部...+阅读


The Importance of Learning English.Nowadays,more and more people are learning English.It is gradually becoming a kind of trend.Why?In my own point of view,I think that ,people have realized the importance of learning English for the following reasons:first of all,English is an internationnal language.Many countries in the world consider English as thier offical language.sencondly,the importance of learning English.as everyone knows that English works as the language of interntional confrences.A large number of books are printed by English.A better grasp of English can make you have a better understanding of the whole world.Last but not least,I hope everyone should pay more attention to English learning....


100 dollars is equivalent to more than 700 yuan, the money I how to spend it? I'll buy some must life items like toothpaste, soap, towel, shampoo sanitary napkin, some practical face oil and hand oil, and, of course, a few small jewelry, these are cheap. Next, buy a few clothings, cheaper affordable, not expensive, put on quite explicit spirit of wine can, Calculate a nearly 500 yuan above things. The rest I want to buy some books, and then the parents to buy something, and let the hand is best can save 100 yuan, these money all are my mum and dad hard-earned money, I can't random flower, should spend saving, can give parents burn less to the less to, buy clothes of money is best can then save 80 yuan, clothes as long as dress properly, clean is good, not too fashionable too high-grade, that is too good to waste money. Books, choose those who have learning value of, don't buy the mess of books, put those meaningful has value of collection book preserve, maihuo look again, I won't see yellow videos, I want to take these money on meaningful place above


I live in the school now, I will go home on the weekend, at first, I thought living in school could make me focus on my study, while the fact is not. At noon, when I take a snap, the noise from the building machine is so loud, our school is under construction now, so the workers work day and night....


请以荣誉为话题写一篇不少于600字的文章自拟题目文体一个人如果有了很大的责任心和付出 了许许多多的努力之后,那么他得到的荣 誉以及成就,便是别人梦寐以求的。这种 荣誉感给人带来了一种自命不凡的快感, 更给人带来了一种以自己...

以职业生涯为话题写一篇不少于800字的征文在今天这个人才竞争的时代,做好个人职业生涯规划开始成为在人争夺战中的里另一重要利器。对每个人而言,职业生命是有限的,如果不进行有效的职业规划,势必会 造成生命和时间的浪...



用我喜欢熊猫写一篇不少于60词的英语作文范文: I want to tell you something about my favourite of all the animals, i like giant pandas best. 我想告诉你关于我的所有动物最喜欢的东西,我最喜欢大熊猫。 Giant...

书面表达中考英语作文写一篇不少于100个字Dear editor, I am writing to tell you my favorite recreational activity during leisure time and to share it with other readers of the magazine. My hobby is pain...

以触动心灵的力量为话题写一篇不少于600字的文章以触动心灵的力量为话题写一篇不少于600字的文章,急求一篇以触动心灵的力量为话题的记叙作文 600字以上谢谢了:......他是一个内向而又自卑的孩子,他从不与任何人接触 只因他是...

求一篇不少于600字的劳动活动记录求一篇不少于600字的劳动活动记录,热爱劳动才能收获累累硕果为主题的班会学生是初中生要详细一点的:记一次家务劳动 今天,吃过晚饭之后,决定要让妈妈休息,我来把碗给洗了. 说干就...

