

07月24日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[用英语如何表示日期]在日期方面,美英的表达方式是有差别的。以日为先,月份为后,此为英国式,美国式则与此相反。如一九九六年三月二日的写法: 2nd March, 1996(英) March 2, 1996(美) 在美式的写法中,1st,...+阅读


How to send an e-mail

Before learning how to send an e-mail, a computer which can connect to the internet is necessary. You can start from clicking the Internet-Explorer icon on desktop. Write the internet address (such as: .baidu.com) in the link blanket and press the ENTER key to confirm the computer is connected with internet.

Now you are ready to apply a account for the e-mail service. Click the registering button and enter the application page. You are required to accept the service agreement and fill up some information which is marked by stars. After your account and password are checked, it means you successfully own the service.

Input your user's name and password, you will get into the e-mail interface. Click the “write a letter” button and start to write what you want to say in the mail. If you have an attachment, click the “attachment” and choose to upload what you want.

After previous steps, you are required to fill in the receiver's address, then click “Send” button. You should confirm whether the email has been sent or failed. You may receive the reply “you have successfully sent the mail.”

The whole process is up to the end. As long as you follow it carefully you are assured to send an e-mail sucessfully.



Dear Miss Yuan,


How are you? I am Tony.It is hot this summer holiday. Are you reading this at home?Now,I am in Hong Kong.I'd like to give you my e-mail.


Hong Kong is not as big as Shanghai, but it is a modern and beautiful place. It's very busy in the street. I can also see many tall buildings. They're always bright at night.


I like Disney Land best.I can see many cartoon characters there like Donald Duck, Mickey Mouse, Snow White and so on.I want to stay in Disney Land longer, but the airplane will not wait for us.I have to say goodbye to my Disney friends.


I want to tell you more, when I meet you in the new term.


Your student




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