

07月26日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[急求3人英语口语对话拜托拜托啦]A: Good morning! Are you Mr...? I am from...(公司名) B:Yes, I am .... How do you do? A: How do you do, Mr.... I am...(自己的名字). Did you have a good flight? B: Ye...+阅读


1.A:l'd like to open an account with your bank

B; A saving account or a checking account

A;l want to withdrew two hundred US dollars from my savings account

A; And l want to deposit two thousand pounds into my checking account

B;What's the exchange rate for US dollars today?

l'd like to change this traveler's check into US dollars,please.

A;At the presentrate of exchange,you will get eight hundred dollars and ninrty cents.

BHow would you like?

A;Eight one-hundred-dollar bills

2.A;Please have a look at these sample

B;We've had to increase our price on some items.

A;How much have they gone up

B'About five percent on the average

We can offr you more liberal discount terms.

A;l've come to talk about the feasibility of a joint venture.There was a problem with your last shipment.

B;We can cut down the price for you. How about two percent?

A;l'd rather keep the FOB quotation in our contract,That's more covenient.



in this conversation, rocky simons is the owner of a small company that manufactures recreational speedboats.he is having a telephone conversation with jacques riviera, owner of a seaside resort in another country. rocky: good morning, jacques. nice talking to you again.how's the weather in your part of the world? jacques: couldn't be better, rocky.sunny, 29°, light breeze... rocky: stop! i can't take any more.so, what can i do for you, jacques? jacques: i need a couple of your sb2000 speedboats to rent to guests. can you give me a price quote? rocky: let's see... uh, the list price is $6,500 u.s. you're a valued customer, so i'll give you a 10% discount. jacques: that's very reasonable. do you have them in stock? rocky: sure do! we set up new inventory controls last year, so we don't have many backlogs any more. jacques: that's good. the tourist season is just around the corner, so i need them pretty quick. what's the earliest shipping date you can manage? rocky: they can be ready for shipment in 2-3 weeks. jacques: perfect.what's the total cif price, rocky? rocky: hang on ... the price will be $15,230 u.s. to your usual port. do we have a deal? jacques: you bet! send me a fax with all the information, and i'll send you my order right away. i'll pay by irrevocable letter of credit, as usual. same terms as always? rocky: of course. jacques: great! nice doing business with you again, rocky. bye for now, and say hello to the family for me. rocky: will do, and the same goes for me. bye, jacques. 中: 在这则对话中,rocky simons 是一家制造休闲快艇小公司的业主。

他正和另外一个国家一家海滨度假地的业主jacques riviera在电话里交谈。 rocky: 早上好,jacques,很高兴又和你谈话。你们那儿的天气怎么样? jacques: 再好不过了,rocky。晴朗,29度,微风…… rocky: 别说了!我受不了了。我能为你做什么吗, jacques: 我需要两只你们生产的sb2000快艇租给游客。你能给我个报价吗? rocky: 让我想想……呃,报价单上是6,500美元。您是我们的一个重要客户,我会给你10%的折扣。 jacques:那很合理。你们有现货吗? rocky: 当然有!我们去年建立了新的存货控制系统,所以我们不再有很多的积压订单。 jacques:那很好。旅游旺季就要到了,所以我很快就需要它们。您最早的发货日期是什么时候? rocky: 可以在2-3周内准备好装船。 jacques: 棒极了。

到岸价格是多少,rocky? rocky: 稍等……价 格是15,230美元,到原先的港口。成交吗? jacques: 当然!给我发一份所有相关信息的传真,我会立即下订单。我会按惯例以不可撤销信用单方式付款。按照一惯的条款吗? rocky: 当然。 jacques: 好极了!很高兴再次和你做生意,rocky。那再见了,带我问你家人好。 rocky: 我会的,也带我问侯你家人。再见,jacques. 中: 在这则对话中,rocky simons 是一家制造休闲快艇小公司的业主。他正和另外一个国家一家海滨度假地的业主jacques riviera在电话里交谈。 rocky: 早上好,jacques,很高兴又和你谈话。你们那儿的天气怎么样? jacques: 再好不过了,rocky。晴朗,29度,微风…… rocky: 别说了!我受不了了。我能为你做什么吗, jacques: 我需要两只你们生产的sb2000快艇租给游客。

你能给我个报价吗? rocky: 让我想想……呃,报价单上是6,500美元。 您是我们的一个重要客户,我会给你10%的折扣。 jacques:那很合理。你们有现货吗? rocky: 当然有!我们去年建立了新的存货控制系统,所以我们不再有很多的积压订单。 jacques:那很好。旅游旺季就要到了,所以我很快就需要它们。您最早的发货日期是什么时候? rocky: 可以在2-3周内准备好装船。 jacques: 棒极了。到岸价格是多少,rocky? rocky: 稍等……价格是15,230美元,到原先的港口。成交吗? jacques: 当然!给我发一份所有相关信息的传真,我会立即下订单。我会按惯例以不可撤销信用单方式付款。按照一惯的条款吗? rocky: 当然。 jacques: 好极了!很高兴再次和你做生意,rocky。那再见了,带我问你家人好。

rocky: 我会的,也带我问侯你家人。再见,jacques


A: Hello, can i speak to james? B: Sorry, I am afraid he is out . Can you please leave a message? A: Sure, thanks. This is Sam, Please ask him to call me as soon as possilbe. B: OK, Sam. I will tell him when he comes back. A: Thanks. Bye. B: Bye. A: Hello, I'd like to book a room on this Sunday. B: Yes, sir. May I have your name please?What kind of room would you like? We have standard room and deluxe room? A: I am Billy from Emerson company. Standard room. B: Yes, Mr. Billy. How many rooms do you want and how many nights would like to stay with us. A: One standard room for two nights. B: Sure, Mr. Billy, So you want one standard room on this Sunday and will stay two night with us. Am I right? A: Yes. Thanks.Goodbye. B: With pleasure. Mr. Billy, Goodbye.


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