

07月30日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[中文邀请信的]相信你收到过不少邀请函,你知道中文邀请信是怎样写吗?下面小编为大家带来一些中文邀请信,希望对你有所帮助! 中文邀请信范文篇一 尊敬的家长: 你们好! 为了庆祝xxxx年元旦的到...+阅读


You will find your invitation letter, J-1 Funding Attestation Form and the Patient and copyright agreement form. 你会在(这个信封/邮件里)找到你的邀请函,J-1资金证明书,病人协议书和版权协定书。 Also, the Visiting or Consulting Appointment or Reappointment without Salary: Checklist below. I've captured your name next to the items we need from you prior to coming to Stanford. 还有,访问或咨询教授职位或者无薪职位:以下是所需材料的清单。其中有些东西我们需要你在来斯坦福之前就提交给我们,在这些文件旁边我写了你的名字。(我想你就是那个Dr Wang?总之每项后面括号里的那个名字/办公室就是负责那一项的人) 1. Transmittal Memo to Senior Associate Dean for Academic Affairs (Faculty affairs office) 给教学部高级助理主任的通知书(教导团队事务办公室) 2. Recommendation for Appointment (Academic and other teaching staff) form (Faculty affairs office) 教授及其他教导人员(如讲师)就职推荐书 (教导团队事务办公室) 3. CV and Bibliography for initial appointments only (Dr. Wang, already received) 新的职员:需要提供简历和发表论文记录(王博士,已经收到了) 4. Three letters (one internal) for initial appointments only (Dr. Wang) 新的职员:需要提供三封信(推荐信?),其中1封内部(学校部门内)(王博士) 5. Evidence of leave from the candidate's home institution for Visiting appointments only (Dr. Wang) 访问学者:从原单位离职/批准请假的证据 (王博士) 6. Letter of Invitation for Visiting appointments and reappointments only (SENT) 3/23/2010 访问学者:邀请函(3月23日已发) 7. J-1 Visa Documentation (COPY) if applicable for appointment or reappointments (Bechtel) 如果有需要,J-1 签证申请资料(复印件)(Bechtel-人名) 8. SU-18A (COPY) for initial appointments only (Bechtel) 新职员:SU-18A表格复印件(Bechtel) 9. Need a copy of your passport & picture. Will you be coming by yourself? 我们还需要你的护照复印件,还有一张照片。

你是一个人来吗?(还是有带配偶/孩子) 最后欢迎你来,祝你工作研究顺利 (:



Dear Sirs:

Would you please send me a formal invitation letter for Mr. xxxx, the president of XXX company, so that we can make our visa application for our attending the conference to be held in Australia.

His passport information are as follows:

Full Name Date of birth Passport No. Occupation

Thank your for your help.

Looking forward to your reply,

Sincerely yours





WE, MR. CITIZEN, John and MRS. CITIZEN Lisa of

2 John Street

South Melbourne, Vic 3005, Australia

do solemnly and sincerely declare that

We, Australian permanent resident and citizen, are happy to invite and sponsor our Mother - Ms. CITIZEN, Michelle to come to visit us and her grand children in Melbourne, Australia.

We will be fully responsible for all the expenses incurred during her stay in Australia such as accommodation, foods, air tickets, medical expenses and all other commonwealth financial commitments. We will guarantee that she will return back to China before her visa expires. We are pleased to pay a security bond, if required.

I make this solemn declaretion by virtue of the Statutory Declaration Act of 1959 as amended and subject to the penalties provided by the Act for the making of false statements in this declaration to be ture in every particular.

Declared at: _____(John Citizen & Lisa Citizen 邀请人签字)

On 08.08.2005

Before me (公证人签字并盖章)



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