

07月31日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[跪求一篇关于指路的英语作文 60个单词明天考试急用]go ahead around /keep on walking roughly_meters , walk along this street/road , you will reach/see _, (and then) turn right/left , _is /are just on your left/ri...+阅读


HalloweenHalloweenHalloween is an autumn holiday that Americans celebrate every year. It means "holy evening," and it comes every October 31, the evening before All Saints' Day. However, it is not really a church holiday, it is a holiday for children mainly. Every autumn, when the vegetables are ready to eat, children pick large orange pumpkins. Then they cut faces in the pumpkins and put a burning candle inside. It looks as if there were a person looking out of the pumpkin! These lights are called jack-o'-lanterns, which means "Jack of the lantern". The children also put on strange masks and frightening costumes every Halloween. Some children paint their faces to look like monsters. Then they carry boxes or bags from house to house. Every time they come to a new house, they say,"Trick or treat! Money or eat!" The grown-ups put treat-money or candy in their bags. Not only children, but most grown-ups also love Halloween and Halloween parties because on this day,they can disguise themselves as personages or ghost as their imaginations will lead them. This bring them the satisfaction of being young.



万圣节 Halloween、南瓜 pumpkin、糖果 candy/sweet、杰克灯jack-o'lantern、小妖精 goblin、骨头 bone、巫婆 witch、巫师 warlock、扫帚 broomstick、幽灵 ghost、骨头架 skeleton、面具 mask,咒语 curse。

灵魂 spirit、死神 Grim Reaper、桃木钉 peach nail、僵尸 zombie、吸血鬼 vampire、蝙蝠 bat、蜘蛛网 spider web、十字架 the cross of Jesus、木乃伊 mummy、恶魔 devil、黑猫 black cat、 鬼 ghost、蜘蛛spider、 海盗pirate、骷髅 skeleton、小丑 clown、精灵 fairy,等等


Trick or tread 不招待,就使坏。

Oh, you scared me. 哦,你吓了我一跳。

What areyou afraid of? 你怕什么呢?

Do yo want to go to masquerade parties? 你想去参加化装舞会吗?

Let's carved a mask together. 我们做个面具吧!

Let's carved a pumpkin together. 我们做个南瓜灯吧!


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