

08月05日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[一篇关于梦想的英语作文]already have a dream in my heart,so I have to make every effort to realize it.As a high school student now,I will seize every chance to study hard,arm myself wi...+阅读


Initially, the volume of large and expensive digital computer is mainly used for the implementation of scientific computing, especially in military issues. Such as the ENIAC the first one to be used as artillery trajectory calculation and design of the hydrogen bomb for calculating the neutron-density cross-section (now a number of supercomputer simulations of nuclear tests still play a huge role). Australia's first stored-program design of a computer CSIR Mk I type responsible for the hydropower projects in the catchment area of the rain to assess the situation. There are also be used to decrypt, such as the British "Colossus" programmable computer. Excluding these early scientific or military applications, the computer in other areas, the promotion has been rapid. From the outset, stored-program computer is closely linked with the commercial solution to the problem. As early as the first IBM computer before the birth of Taiwan, the United Kingdom J. Lyons, etc. for design and manufacture of the LEO to carry out asset management or cater to other commercial uses. Due to continuous size and cost control, the computer began to spread within a smaller organization. Coupled with the 20th century, the invention of the microprocessor 70's, cheap computer becomes a reality. With the increasing popularity of computers and computer access to virtually all industries, play an important role. It has become a normal operation in today's society can be an indispensable tool, the computer modern life, occupy an important place, people's dependence on the computer so high, I really can not imagine life without computers will become what is look. 起初,体积庞大而价格昂贵的数字计算机主要是用做执行科学计算,特别是军用课题。

如ENIAC最早就是被用作火炮弹道计算和设计氢弹时计算断面中子密度的(如今许多超级计算机仍然在模拟核试验方面发挥着巨大作用)。澳大利亚设计的首台存储程序计算机CSIR Mk I型负责对水电工程中的集水地带的降雨情形进行评估。还有一些被用于解密,比如英国的“巨像”可编程计算机。除去这些早年的科学或军工应用,计算机在其他领域的推广亦十分迅速。从一开始,存储程序计算机就与商业问题的解决息息相关。早在IBM的第一台商用计算机诞生之前,英国J. Lyons等就设计制造了LEO以进行资产管理或迎合其他商业用途。由于持续的体积与成本控制,计算机开始向更小型的组织内普及。加之20世纪70年代微处理器的发明,廉价计算机成为了现实。 随着电脑越来越普及,电脑几乎进入了所有的行业,扮演着举足轻重的角色。



Computers is a very impotant for me , everyday when I back to home I must open the computer, It's just like a hooby. Today , let's talk about the advantage and the disadvantage of computer .

First of all, the advantage of computer are computer can Internet to chat, watch movies, read news. However, the best reason is it can play games, computer games can make me become cheerful mood and relax, as just like go into a science fiction of the world.

Also,the disadvantage is play computer is not good for harmful the eyes, playing to much computer will feel more tired . So when we play computer , remenber it's can't play too long.

Still playing computer are have many disadvantage for we. However, I still feels very interesting in playing computers.

哈哈 希望能帮到你啦 :)


The computer is a very useful machine. It is the most important invention in many years.People use it widely today in many ways.

Most computers have memories.People can store information in them and take it out at any time.Computers are getting smaller and smaller, and working faster and faster.

Computer can do many kinds of work.Now in many large factories there are very few people. Computers do most of the work.They really help a lot.


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