

08月09日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[求高中生600字周记]谁是谁生命中的过客,谁是谁生命的转轮,前世的尘,今世的风,无穷无尽的哀伤的精魂. 我回过头去看自己成长的道路,一天一天地观望,我站在路边上,双手插在风衣的兜里有 无数的人 群从我...+阅读


The first time I stepped into the swimming pool was the summer vacation of 2001. My parents urged me to participate in a swimming class instead of playing table tennis all day long with my friends. 'I can never stay in water,' I opposed. 'You know that time I almost drowned in the basin when washing my face.' I sought for ads in newspapers and eventually discovered one swimming club recruiting swimming learners, and I enrolled. Sitting on the edge of the pool, I looked around: the teaching site was divided into three areas---a shallow pool no deeper than 1 meter, a medium one to the depth of 1.5 meters and deepwater area of 2 meters in depth. 'Greetings, my friends.' our coach said, a twenty-year-old man of medium stature. 'You'll be starting from this second to learn how to survive in another realm (We smiled). We have a criterion here: no shrinking back. All right, before you are bold enough to jump from a cliff into the sea, let's make it from the ABCs. Today we'll learn how to float.' Well, I learned to float, I learned to hold my breath in water (It's wonderful. I'll never worry about drowning in my basin), I learned to control and adjust my direction in water and I mastered the fundamental skills to advance and recede in water. “Terrific, Wanli.” the coach clapped me on my shoulder and said, “Why not try the deepwater?” 'I will, sir.' I replied.The class moved to the deepest area and queued in a line. We bumped into the water in turn until my feet paused at the rim of the pool: fear attacked me and made me dizzy when I witnessed the pool as deep as an abyss in my eyes.'Go ahead, go!' the coach exclaimed.I just couldn't move. My nerve was frozen at the thought of drowning here instead of in my basin.Suddenly the coach gave me a push on my back and I lost my balance on the humid floor of the gym and fell into the deepwater area. In the first few seconds I felt that my end had arrived, but upon the danger my mind was unusually sober. Swiftly I applied the skills I learned to reach the other side of the pool, and when I finally placed my hands onto the edge, I saw the coach's satisfactory smile.I told this experience to my father. Dad put down his newspaper and said, 'I have said that you would benefit from it. Maybe you should give your gratitude to your coach, as he has taught you not to flinch in the face of challenges.' 写的一篇作文,字数多了些,可以摘录一下,没有版权。

一篇高中英语作文 150字左右

Different people have different opinions about what a good friend should be. My classmates think that good friends are supposed to share happiness and help each other. However, not everyone can share sadness with you. Those people are not real friends. I think good friends can consider things while standing in your shoes. They also think about other people. They put other people as priority instead of themselves. Good friends should be honest, kind and have a sense of responsibility. Without honesty, people cannot trust each other and they can't share their deepest thoughts or secrets. Good friends should also be good listeners. They can hear your sadness and help you go through the bad feelings. You can always trust your good friends. In short, I think good friends should be kind and honest. They should also be willing to help you and share your sadness. 中文就不翻译了。稍微加了一点东西。



Thurs.,Feb.7 Fine 2月7日 星期四 晴 Lucky money 红包 I'm so happy today because I got RMB 6,00 in "Lucky Money."Grandpa alone gave me RMB 1,00.I must try to save this for school though and not waste it.But I think I'll allow myself to use part of it to buy a new dress tomorrow and then I'll put the rest un the bank. 今天我很高兴,因为我拿了6百元的红包.祖父一个人就给了我一千元.我必须尽量存起来以后作上大学之用而不去花掉.不过我想我会让自己明天用一部分钱去买一件新衣服,然后将其他的钱存到银行里去.


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