

08月15日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[这些全部都是关于动物的谚语请帮我翻译出来谢谢了!大神们帮帮]1.Bird (1) Kill two birds with one stone. 一箭双雕;一举两得。 (2) A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. 双鸟在林不如一鸟在手。 (3) Birds of a feather flock to...+阅读


As space science develops, man has learned more and more about space. Space is not only amazing but also dangerous. While working in space, spacemen are facing danger as well as success.随著宇宙科学的发展,人类对宇宙的学习越来越多。宇宙不仅仅令人惊叹,同时也是十分危险的。在宇宙中工作的宇航员在迎来成功的同时也面对著危险。Scientists have found out that the radiation(辐射) is the greatest danger to spacemen in space. When spacemen are working in space, they are in danger of the radiation from the sun and other stars, which is bad for their health. The harm of the radiation won't be found until their children even grandchildren are born. Some special medicine may work a little, but no really effective medicine has been found so far.科学家已经发现辐射是对太空中的宇航员最大的危害。当宇航员在太空工作时,他们处於太阳以及其他恒星的辐射危害之下,这对他们的健康是有害的。

但辐射危害的显现只会在他们的下一代甚至下下代出生的时候才能被发现。一些特殊药物可能会起到稍稍作用,但是迄今为止一直没有研发出来真的有效的药物。Space rubbish is also thought to be a great danger to spacemen. It's reported that there were 9,000 man-made things flying in space. About 30% of these are satellites, 10% are spaceships, and the rest are space rubbish. An explosion(爆炸)in space in 1999 made a cloud of 300,000 fragments, each at least 4mm in size. A small piece of these even knocked a spaceship window and caused some damage(损坏).太空垃圾是也被认为是对宇宙工作者的一大危害。有报道曾指出有多大9000件人造物体在太空中飞行。其中30%为卫星,10%是宇宙飞船,剩馀的则都为宇宙垃圾。1999年宇宙中的一次爆炸制造了含有300,000碎片的爆炸云,每个碎片都至少4mm大。

其中一个小片甚至击碎了一家宇宙飞船的窗户并造成损坏。Scientists are watching and reporting any possible danger all the time. They are working to deal with space rubbish. Although space is really dangerous, it interests many people on the earth. In the near future, it may become possible for people to spend a few days in a space hotel. We may even choose to leave the earth and live in space in a few years. So we should do something to help improve the space environment.科学家无时无刻不在观察报道任何可能的危险。他们正在著手解决太空垃圾。虽然太空真的非常危险,但它也引起了很多地球上的人们的兴趣。在不久的将来,人们花上一两天的时间居住在太空旅馆中将成为可能。我们甚至可以选择离开地球到太空中居住几年。所以我们应该为改善宇宙环境而努力。完成了,欢迎交流

急需一篇关于太空垃圾的英语作文 !

In spite of the rapid growth of economy and technology, our environment has been seriously polluted. It is mainly because there has been a vast amount of trash. The reasons why we have more and more trash are as follows. First, the number of people who produce trash is on the increase. Second, we do not have enough space to have garbage dumped. Third, a lot of rubbish which can be reused than thrown away by people.

Here are several ways we can use to help decrease the amount of trash. First, we should get the public re-educated and let them know the fact that trash pollutes our environment and is harmful to our health. Second, we suggest our government enact strict laws to crack down upon people who litter garbage here and there. Third, we can call on our neighbors to reuse as many things as they have used as possible. Thus, we can have a cleaner environment to live in


简单来说,就是在人类探索宇宙的过程中,被有意无意地遗弃在宇宙空间的各种残骸和废物. 太空垃圾的名目繁多:大的有已经“寿终正寝”,但仍在空间轨道兜圈子的卫星、空间站等航天器,被遗弃的运载火箭推进器残骸;中等有意外爆炸形成的碎片,如1996年6月3日,美国一枚飞马座火箭发生爆炸,共产生了约300000个危害性碎片;小的有一些零部件,如星箭分离用的爆炸螺栓、卫星包带和弹簧等,还有宇航员“随地乱扔”的垃圾,比如1965年,在美国首次太空行走过程中,宇航员爱德华失手丢掉了一只手套(还好,一个月后,这只时速近28000公里,人类历史上杀伤力最大的手套坠入大气层烧毁);更多的则是极其微小的空间微粒,如航天器脱落的油漆颗粒等。


指各种还处于太空中的人造太空飞行器,已经失去继续利用的价值,或者已经失去可利用的功能,又无法回收的就是太空垃圾。 国际上曾经有过关于回收方法的讨论,但都因为实施的价格昂贵,没有实际操作价值而没有结果。 现在的太空垃圾已经很多,新发射的人造飞行器需要仔细选择轨道,才可尽量避免与他们相撞,造成不必要的损失。 太空垃圾危害知多少? 自上世纪50年代开始进军宇宙以来,人类已经发射了4千多次航天运载火箭。据不完全统计,太空中现有直径大于10厘米的碎片9千多个,大于1.2厘米的有数十万个,而漆片和固体推进剂尘粒等微小颗粒可能数以百万计。 不要小看这些太空垃圾,由于飞行速度极快(6-7公里/秒),它们都蕴藏着巨大的杀伤力,一块10克重的太空垃圾撞上卫星,相当于两辆小汽车以100公里的时速迎面相撞——卫星会在瞬间被打穿或击毁!试想,如果撞上的是载人宇宙飞船…… 而且人类对太空垃圾的飞行轨道无法控制,只能粗略地预测。

这些垃圾就像高速公路上那些无人驾驶,随意乱开的汽车一样,你不知道它什么时候刹车,什么时候变线。它们是宇宙交通事故最大的潜在“肇事者”,对于宇航员和飞行器来说都是巨大的威胁。 目前地球周围的宇宙空间还算开阔,太空垃圾在太空中发生碰撞的概率很小,但一旦撞上,就是毁灭性的。更令航天专家头疼的是“雪崩效应”——每一次撞击并不能让碎片互相湮灭,而是产生更多碎片,而每一个新的碎片又是一个新的碰撞危险源。如果有一天,等地球周围被这些太空垃圾挤满的时候,人类探索宇宙的道路该何去何从呢?...



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