

08月16日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[这段话怎么翻译]Youngor puts particular emphasis on the brand's development and design and finally by marketing management it realizes its value and gets profits. Youngor succe...+阅读


3、崂山林木苍郁、花繁草茂,区内仅古树名花就有110多株,有的树龄高达2500余年。山深处,春日一片翠绿,夏天浓荫蔽日,秋季满谷金黄,严冬则处处玉树琼花。There are verdant and luxuriant woods and forests on Mount Lao, and fully covered with green grass and beautiful fragrant flowers. There are no less than 110 ancient trees within the region up to the age of 2500 years old. Deep inside the mountains, a whole piece of fresh green look during the spring time. In summer, the thickness of the vegetation prevents the sunlight to shine through to forest ground. You can see golden valleys all over the place in the fall. A beautiful scene of sparkling white trees covered by snow during the hard winter time.4、崂山以其山海奇观、深邃幽静之胜景,“神仙窟宅”,“洞天福地”之美誉,倍受帝王将相、文人雅士、名道高僧之推崇。

Mount Lao has long been praised for its spectacles of its mountains and the sea. Its deep and surface wonderful scenes, its "Fairy Cave Residence" and its "Earthy Paradise" are renowned the world over. Had been one of the most favourite places for many emperors, generals, ministers of state, scholars, refined persons, eminent taoists and monks. 5、 总之,清新而湿润的空气,悠久而灿烂的历史文化,独具特色的人文和自然景观,构成了崂山旅游的丰富内涵。In a word, the fresh and moist air, long and brilliant historical culture, the unique customs and its natural scenic views, all have helped to form the rich connotation of the Mount Lao tours.没有看清楚,原来这一段是另一道提问的一部份。那就容易了,已搬了过来交给你了。希望会满意。再次谢谢你的信任。


In the 29th Olympic Games, Beijing welcomes much of the world, it is more beautiful than before, trees, grass and more flowers, more roads and highways also, there are more and more people from all over the world People come to visit Beijing, we are very excited as the students, from now on, we will make every effort to improve the environment, we will enjoy the benefits of exercise, I believe Beijing will host the Olympic Games in the future.


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