

08月17日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[大学英语作文150字]环境保护(Environmental Today the quality of our natural environment has become an important issue. The world population is rising so quickly that the world has b...+阅读

大学英语作文:自荐信 !

P.O.Box36 BIITUniversity Beijing,China100000 DearSir/Madam: Nowandthencorporationssendoutfeelersforjusttherighttypeofcreativeperson.Thispersonmustfitveryspecificcriteria.Usually,afterallissaidanddone,thecorporationwantsabusinesspersonwhocanmanage,createandcommunicate.Aseasonedprofessionalwho'sbeenaroundforawhile. Ifyou'vebeenlookingforthisrarecombinationofbusinesssavvyanddesignexpertise,mybackgroundmightinterestyou: Tenyearsofworkingexperience.Solidbackgroundinthemanagementofcreativeup-and-comers. Knownewtechnologiesthatshowinstantprofit,suchasCAD/CAM. Thisisbutabriefsummaryofmyabilities.Andthereismuch,muchmoretoshare.IfeelIhavestrongmarketableskillsinwhichyouwouldbeinterested.Pleasecontactmeifyouwouldliketohearandseemore. Withmanythanks, HuangYan 人名地址自己改~~~



My name is ______. I am a student in _____ Middle school (Grade _Class _ ) I would like to be a ________, and I am sure that I can do the job well.

I have had experience organizing activities in the school in the past, and have excelle珐珐粹貉诔股达瘫惮凯nt time management skills. I am responsible, hard working and can work well under stress.

Thank you for your time, I hope that you consider me as a candidate for this position.

写具体一点, 干什么要。 PS。 初中生还可以写一些My interests are... I enjoy... I would like to be ... when I grow up (>.


Dear friend,

If you want to learn English well ,I can give you some advice.

First,you should spend a lot of time to practise your English. Such as listening English songs on the radio,speaking English to your classmate,reading English newspaper and writing English positions.

Then you should try to listen carefully in your English lessons.You should be brave to talk with the foreigners.You should read a lot and practise your writing skills.

I hope that all I say can help you.

Best Wishes!


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