

08月19日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[求 21世纪大学实用英语第4册 38课课后中译英]1. After the performance, the audience were excited too stood up, sincere applause lasted several minutes. 2. See me panic like female host to comfort me Say I...+阅读


1. If it is current deposit, you can always deal with different procedures.

2. Please put your name, address and id number, amount of the deposit period, fill in the depositing form.

3. According to the dollar amount to 1% of our commission.

4. Do you want to use what means the remittance, t/t, m/t or d?

5. Please use Chinese and Arabic Numbers also provide amount.

6. You have to go to bank for formal report the loss of STH.

7. Five bills in one hundred bill, and the other for ten yuan bill will do.

8. Please show me your identification.

9. Accounts of the minimum deposit for a savings account is 100 dollars.

10. You can apply for a password report the loss of STH.

11. You can deposit and automatic teller machines, inquires, cipher amending and balance transfer, etc.

12 I'd like to 500 us dollars into RMB.


Bank of China


The check-in counter for the first class is opposite to the Bank of China. Go that way, and you will see it.


This indicates that the reform of the BOC is confirmed in unanimity


Operator, please get me Bank of China, Shanghai Branch.


We understand from the Bank of China that you run the business of phone maintenance.


"In July 2002, Bank of China (Hong Kong) Limited was successfully listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange."



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