

08月19日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[蓝色大门经典台词]蓝色大门经典台词 1、林月珍:张士豪他每天晚上,都会偷偷来游泳,他是游泳队的。 孟克柔:看什么?什么都看不到啊。 林月珍:你可以听他游泳的声音啊。 2、孟克柔:你到底想干嘛? 张士豪:...+阅读


s no need to rush around inside of everybody there's sun and laughter to be found it seems that we're on holidays and sleeping in is not a sin all the housework's done by teatime i'm feeling good about the way i's sunday everyday and there', watch those tiny things go by accidently kelly street where friends and strangers sometimes meet accidently kelly street i never thought life could be so sweet it'. accidently;s on, that's what it's for and if you walk real slowly you can feel the planet breathe there's no need to feel so lowly now that we'. accidently kelly street i never thought life could be so sweet!! 喜欢5年前的桂纶镁和陈柏霖 切入正题 是这首 Accidentally Kelly Street ---Frente 《蓝色大门》片尾曲 here's a door and here's a window here's the ceiling here've been perhaps this optimism will crash on down like a house of cards i know that my decision to change my life was not that hard accidently kelly street where friends and strangers sometimes meet accidently kelly street i never thought life could be so sweet where friends and strangers accidently kelly street sometimes meet accidently kelly street i never thought life could be so sweet accidently!!!!我昨天看了3遍蓝色大门好看啊!!;s the floor the room is lit like a black and white movie the t.v.'ve all learned to give accidently kelly street where friends and strangers sometimes meet accidently kelly street i never thought life could be so sweet in the garden birds are singing the sun is shining on the path the wind is talking to the flowers the dogs and cats all take a bath and if you stop that talking you can hear the traffic sigh throw away those keys start walking....

电影蓝色大门说的是什么 ?

桂纶镁和陈柏霖演的官方版内容:蓝色大门代表着十六、七岁的年轻一代对美好未来的无限憧憬。那时的我们,可以抛开一切烦恼,尽情地做着自己高兴的事情,就像片中男女主角骑着脚踏车在阳光下,轻轻松松享受单纯的渴望所带来的幸福。整个影片的基调是浪漫与温馨。片中人物纯洁的情感就像清澈透底的蓝色海洋一样,晶莹剔透。 阿孟是十七岁的高中女生,她常常感叹自己已不再是“天空任鸟飞,海阔纵鱼跃”的青少年了。无法再天空海阔,该当是心中藏了许多的秘密吧!一天,她把这些秘密全数老实地告诉了也十七岁的小士。 小士与阿孟不同,无牵无挂无心机,整日泡在游泳池中,享受水波柔软地捧托。他最大的心愿是游泳比赛冠军和做阿孟的男朋友。直到那天,他无预警地听著阿孟向他揭露这份她始终深埋在心底的秘密…… 究竟是什么样的秘密,让阿孟和小士这两个十七岁的大孩子,一夜之间变成了大人?是什么样的秘密,使得尚不懂哲学是何物的小朋友,却不得不面对生命存在的课题。

于是,他们不再是男女朋友了,也不是普通朋友。他们成为一种若即若离的纠缠。纠缠久了,疲倦了…… 他们预约将来,也许三年后,于一扇蓝色大门前再见。我版内容:一个女高中生喜欢上了自己的好朋友(女),可是那个好朋友喜欢的男生却喜欢自己于是这个女生就和那个男生三年后,于一扇蓝色大门前再见。我版评价:很健康的电影,建议楼主去看,光在这边问有什么意思...



Whatever comes our way, whatever battle we have is raging inside us, we always have a choice. My friend Harry taught me that. He chose to be the best of himself. It's the choices that make us who we are and we can always choose to do what's right.


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蓝色大门经典对白蓝色大门经典对白,电影蓝色大门说的是什么 ?林月珍:张士豪的篮球。那天捡到的。张士豪的球鞋。他脚很大,十号半吧。孟克柔:你怎么会有他的周记啊。你看他的字好丑哦。那天我去办...
